IPansharpeningFilter2 Interface

Provides access to additional members that control a pansharpening filter.


Name Description
Read/write property InfraredImage The optional infrared image.
Read/write property MaximumPansharpeningCellsize The maximum cellsize, in Pan image's SR, below which pansharpening will be applied.
Read/write property PanImage The panchromatic image.
Read/write property PansharpeningType The current pansharpening type.
Method PutWeights Puts the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.
Method QueryWeights Gets the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.
Method Sharpen Applies pansharpening to a pixel (R, G, B, I).

IPansharpeningFilter2.MaximumPansharpeningCellsize Property

The maximum cellsize, in Pan image's SR, below which pansharpening will be applied.

Public Property MaximumPansharpeningCellsize As Double
public double MaximumPansharpeningCellsize {get; set;}

IPansharpeningFilter2.Sharpen Method

Applies pansharpening to a pixel (R, G, B, I).

Public Sub Sharpen ( _
    ByVal P As Double, _
    ByRef R As Double, _
    ByRef G As Double, _
    ByRef b As Double, _
    ByRef I As Double _
public void Sharpen (
    double P,
    ref double R,
    ref double G,
    ref double b,
    ref double I

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IPansharpeningFilter Provides access to members that control a pansharpening filter.

Classes that implement IPansharpeningFilter2

Classes Description
PansharpeningFilter A class for pansharpening filter.

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