IMultidimensionalDataset5 Interface

Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset.


Name Description
Method AddDimension Adds a new dimension for a given variable.
Method AddDimension Adds a new dimension for a given variable.
Method AppendSlices Appends additional slices to the multidimensional dataset
Method AppendVariables Appends additional variables to the multidimensional dataset
Method ConstructQueryExpression Returns a query expression from an array of IDimensionalDefinition objects.
Method DeleteTranspose Delete the transpose of a multidimensional dataset.
Read-only property IsMultidimensional Indicates whether the dataset is multidimensional.
Read/write property MultidimensionalInfo The multidimensional object describing the mosaic dataset.
Method PutVariableAttributes Put a new set of variable attributes for a specified variable.
Method RemoveDimension Removes dimensions from the dataset making it dimensionless.
Method RemoveDimensionEx Remove a dimension from the dataset.
Method RemoveVariable Removes all attributes, dimensions, and dimension values associated with the specified variable.
Method RenameVariable Renames a specified variable and assign a new set of variable attributes.
Method ReplaceSlices Replaces slices in the multidimensional dataset.

IMultidimensionalDataset5.RemoveDimensionEx Method

Remove a dimension from the dataset.

Public Sub RemoveDimensionEx ( _
    ByVal bsVariableName As String, _
    ByVal bsDimensionName As String _
public void RemoveDimensionEx (
    string bsVariableName,
    string bsDimensionName

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMultidimensionalDataset4 Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset.
IMultidimensionalDataset3 Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset.
IMultidimensionalDataset2 Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset.
IMultidimensionalDataset Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset.

Classes that implement IMultidimensionalDataset5

Classes Description

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