ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control parameters for computing cell size ranges in a mosaic dataset.


Name Description
Read/write property CalculateLevels Indicates whether all unique cell size levels for the mosaic dataset are computed and stored.
Read/write property CalculateMosaicCellSizes Indicates whether mosaic dataset's maximum visible cell size is calculated.
Read/write property CalculateRasterMaxCellSizes Indicates whether maximum visibility values are calculated for selected items.
Read/write property CalculateRasterMinCellSizes Indicates whether minimum visibility values are calculated for selected items.
Read/write property CellSizeClusterTolerance The factor controlling clustering of cell size values. Two cell size values with a difference factor less than the value in this property are considered one.
Read/write property MaxOverviewFactor The multiplicative factor used for computing the maximum visibility of the top-most (lowest resolution) overview items.
Read/write property MaxRangeFactor The multiplicative factor used for computing maximum visibility of those items that don't their footprints completely covered by footprints of lower resolution items. The maximum pixel size values of such items are computed by multiplying the corresponding low
Read/write property UpdateMissingValuesOnly Indicates whether only those rows where MinPS or MaxPS is either null or -1 are updated.

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.CalculateLevels Property

Indicates whether all unique cell size levels for the mosaic dataset are computed and stored.

Public Property CalculateLevels As Boolean
public bool CalculateLevels {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.CalculateMosaicCellSizes Property

Indicates whether mosaic dataset's maximum visible cell size is calculated.

Public Property CalculateMosaicCellSizes As Boolean
public bool CalculateMosaicCellSizes {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.CalculateRasterMaxCellSizes Property

Indicates whether maximum visibility values are calculated for selected items.

Public Property CalculateRasterMaxCellSizes As Boolean
public bool CalculateRasterMaxCellSizes {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.CalculateRasterMinCellSizes Property

Indicates whether minimum visibility values are calculated for selected items.

Public Property CalculateRasterMinCellSizes As Boolean
public bool CalculateRasterMinCellSizes {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.CellSizeClusterTolerance Property

The factor controlling clustering of cell size values. Two cell size values with a difference factor less than the value in this property are considered one.

Public Property CellSizeClusterTolerance As Double
public double CellSizeClusterTolerance {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.MaxOverviewFactor Property

The multiplicative factor used for computing the maximum visibility of the top-most (lowest resolution) overview items.

Public Property MaxOverviewFactor As Double
public double MaxOverviewFactor {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.MaxRangeFactor Property

The multiplicative factor used for computing maximum visibility of those items that don't their footprints completely covered by footprints of lower resolution items. The maximum pixel size values of such items are computed by multiplying the corresponding low.

Public Property MaxRangeFactor As Double
public double MaxRangeFactor {get; set;}

ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters.UpdateMissingValuesOnly Property

Indicates whether only those rows where MinPS or MaxPS is either null or -1 are updated.

Public Property UpdateMissingValuesOnly As Boolean
public bool UpdateMissingValuesOnly {get; set;}

Classes that implement ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters

Classes Description
CalculateCellSizeRangesParameters An object that controls how visibility ranges for items in a mosaic dataset are computed.
DefineOverviewsParameters An object that controls how new overview items are created in a mosaic dataset.

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