ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control mosaic dataset creation parameters.


This interface provides access to parameters that control the creation of a new Mosaic Dataset or a referenced Mosaic Dataset.


Name Description
Read/write property BandCount The number of bands in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property DefinitionFIDs The definition selection set on the source catalog.
Read/write property DefinitionGeometry The definition (spatial selection) geometry on the source catalog.
Read/write property LODFieldName The name of the field that contains scale values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property LODInfos The levels of detail associated with the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property MaxCellsizeFieldName The name of the field that contains maximum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property MaximumVisibleCellsize The cell-size value above which no mosaicking occurs.
Read/write property MinCellsizeFieldName The name of the field that contains minimum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property PixelType The pixel-type of the mosaic dataset.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.BandCount Property

The number of bands in the mosaic dataset.

Public Property BandCount As Integer
public int BandCount {get; set;}


Number of bands of the Mosaic Dataset to be created.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.DefinitionFIDs Property

The definition selection set on the source catalog.

Public Property DefinitionFIDs As IFIDSet
public IFIDSet DefinitionFIDs {get; set;}

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.DefinitionGeometry Property

The definition (spatial selection) geometry on the source catalog.

Public Property DefinitionGeometry As IGeometry
public IGeometry DefinitionGeometry {get; set;}

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.LODFieldName Property

The name of the field that contains scale values for items in the mosaic dataset.

Public Property LODFieldName As String
public string LODFieldName {get; set;}


Field name that corresponds to a field in a Military Analyst catalog that describes the LOD (Level Of Detail) for each raster. This is used when creating a referenced Mosaic Dataset from a Military Analyst catalog.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.LODInfos Property

The levels of detail associated with the mosaic dataset.

Public Property LODInfos As IMosaicLODInfos
public IMosaicLODInfos LODInfos {get; set;}


This object describes LOD (Level Of Detail) information for the Mosaic Dataset. This is used when creating a referenced Mosaic Dataset from a Military Analyst catalog.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.MaxCellsizeFieldName Property

The name of the field that contains maximum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.

Public Property MaxCellsizeFieldName As String
public string MaxCellsizeFieldName {get; set;}


Field name corresponding to the maximum cell size field in the source mosaic dataset for a referenced mosaic dataset.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.MaximumVisibleCellsize Property

The cell-size value above which no mosaicking occurs.

Public Property MaximumVisibleCellsize As Double
public double MaximumVisibleCellsize {get; set;}


Maximum resolution above which the mosaiced rasters are displayed as rasterized wireframes in a referenced Mosaic Dataset.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.MinCellsizeFieldName Property

The name of the field that contains minimum visible cell-size values for items in the mosaic dataset.

Public Property MinCellsizeFieldName As String
public string MinCellsizeFieldName {get; set;}


Field name corresponding to the minimum cell size field in the source mosaic dataset for a referenced mosaic dataset.

ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters.PixelType Property

The pixel-type of the mosaic dataset.

Public Property PixelType As rstPixelType
public rstPixelType PixelType {get; set;}


Pixel Type of the Mosaic Dataset to be created.

Classes that implement ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters

Classes Description
CreateMosaicDatasetParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is created.

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