IFrameXform Interface

Provides access to members that control a standard frame camera transform.


Name Description
Read/write property ApplyCurvatureAndRefraction Indicates if the adjustment of earth curvature and refraction is applied.
Read/write property AverageZ The average Z in meters.
Read-only property Domains The domains in output space.
Read/write property EarthRadius The earth radius in meters.
Read/write property EnableKonrady Indicates if the Konrady adjustment to be applied.
Read/write property FocalLength The focal length in micron.
Method GetDistortionTable The distortion tables.
Read/write property InteriorOrientation The interior orientation as an affine transformation.
Read-only property IsIdentity Indicates if this geodata transform is an identity transform.
Read/write property KonradyParameters The Konrady adjustment parameters.
Read/write property KonradyType The Konrady calculation method.
Read/write property LSR The LSR-To-USR conversion.
Read/write property PerspectiveCenter The sensor position.
Read/write property PerspectiveMatrix The specified sensor orientation as an orthogonal rotation matrix.
Read/write property PerspectivePolarity The sensor polarity.
Read/write property PrincipalPoint The film principal point.
Method PutDistortionTable The distortion tables to calculate Konrady coefficients and residuals.
Method PutInteriorOrientationParameters Puts the interior orientation parameters.
Method PutPerspectiveAngles Puts the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.
Method QueryKonradyParameters Queries the Konrady adjustment parameterrs.
Method QueryPerspectiveAngles Queries the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.
Method QueryPerspectiveMatrix Queries the perspective matrix.
Read-only property Residuals The residuals for distortion table points.
Read/write property SpatialReference The output spatial reference after applying this transform.
Method Transform Transforms a set of points in a given direction.
Method TransformCellsize Transforms a cellsize in a given direction.
Method TransformExtent Transforms an extent in a given direction.
Method TransformPoints Transforms a point collection in a given direction

IFrameXform.ApplyCurvatureAndRefraction Property

Indicates if the adjustment of earth curvature and refraction is applied.

Public Property ApplyCurvatureAndRefraction As Boolean
public bool ApplyCurvatureAndRefraction {get; set;}


Optional parameter indicating whether the earth curvature and atmospheric distortion correction should be applied. By default it is not. It is primarily used for high altitude aerial photography, as the effect is minimal in most aerial surveys.

IFrameXform.AverageZ Property

The average Z in meters.

Public Property AverageZ As Double
public double AverageZ {get; set;}


When performing ortho-rectification, a source of elevation data is required. This is often a digital elevation model (DEM) dataset. If a DEM is not available, the average elevation in the area of interest must be set for best results.

IFrameXform.EarthRadius Property

The earth radius in meters.

Public Property EarthRadius As Double
public double EarthRadius {get; set;}

IFrameXform.EnableKonrady Property

Indicates if the Konrady adjustment to be applied.

Public Property EnableKonrady As Boolean
public bool EnableKonrady {get; set;}


This parameter controls whether radial distortion correction is performed or not. If the corrections were applied during post-processing of the images, set this value to false. Otherwise, provide the Konrady coefficients. Be sure to set the correct Konrady type (ESRI or USGS) that corresponds to the coefficients.

IFrameXform.FocalLength Property

The focal length in micron.

Public Property FocalLength As Double
public double FocalLength {get; set;}

IFrameXform.GetDistortionTable Method

The distortion tables.

Public Sub GetDistortionTable ( _
    ByRef ppDistanceInMillimeters As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef ppDistortionInMicrons As IDoubleArray _
public void GetDistortionTable (
    ref IDoubleArray ppDistanceInMillimeters,
    ref IDoubleArray ppDistortionInMicrons

IFrameXform.InteriorOrientation Property

The interior orientation as an affine transformation.

Public Property InteriorOrientation As IGeodataXform
public IGeodataXform InteriorOrientation {get; set;}

IFrameXform.KonradyParameters Property

The Konrady adjustment parameters.

Public Property KonradyParameters As Object
public object KonradyParameters {get; set;}


Konrady coefficients are used to correct radial distortions in standard frame cameras. Three double precision values are stored and used when displaying the imagery. See the ESRIRasterKonradyType enumeration values to see how these coefficients are applied.

IFrameXform.KonradyType Property

The Konrady calculation method.

Public Property KonradyType As esriRasterKonradyType
public esriRasterKonradyType KonradyType {get; set;}


ArcMap supports two conventions used for correcting radial distortions in standard frame cameras. They are represented by the enumeration values ESRIRasterKonradyESRI and ESRIRasterKonradyUSGS.

Both use a power series to calculate the percent error. The ESRI method uses second and fourth powers, while the USGS method uses third and fifth powers. See the enumeration ESRIRasterKonradyType for more information.

IFrameXform.LSR Property

The LSR-To-USR conversion.

Public Property LSR As IGeodataXform
public IGeodataXform LSR {get; set;}

IFrameXform.PerspectiveCenter Property

The sensor position.

Public Property PerspectiveCenter As IPoint
public IPoint PerspectiveCenter {get; set;}

IFrameXform.PerspectiveMatrix Property

The specified sensor orientation as an orthogonal rotation matrix.

Public Property PerspectiveMatrix As Object
public object PerspectiveMatrix {get; set;}


The perspective matrix is a 3x3 rotation matrix that adjusts the imagery based on the three perspective angles associated with an image frame. The three angles represent the roll, pitch and yaw of the aircraft (omega, phi, kappa) when the exposure was taken.

There are two ways to set the perspective matrix: put_PerspectiveMatrix( ) and PutPerspectiveAngles( ). Both methods populate the 3x3 rotation matrix. The choice of which to use is largely based on what information is available in the aerial photography project file.

IFrameXform.PerspectivePolarity Property

The sensor polarity.

Public Property PerspectivePolarity As Integer
public int PerspectivePolarity {get; set;}


An optional parameter that defines the direction of the Z axis. The default value is -1, and should only be changed for sensor that use that convention.

IFrameXform.PrincipalPoint Property

The film principal point.

Public Property PrincipalPoint As IPoint
public IPoint PrincipalPoint {get; set;}

IFrameXform.PutDistortionTable Method

The distortion tables to calculate Konrady coefficients and residuals.

Public Sub PutDistortionTable ( _
    ByVal pDistanceInMillimeters As IDoubleArray, _
    ByVal pDistortionInMicrons As IDoubleArray _
public void PutDistortionTable (
    IDoubleArray pDistanceInMillimeters,
    IDoubleArray pDistortionInMicrons


An alternative to put_KonradyParameters, this method allows the use of the distortion tables contained in the camera calibration report to calculate the Konrady coefficients. It is critical to ensure that the units are correct for the two arrays that are passed in. The first array is the radial distance in mm, while the second array is the distortion errors in microns. Either ESRI or USGS conventions can be used to calculate the coefficients. See the ESRIRasterKonradyType enumeration for more details.

IFrameXform.PutInteriorOrientationParameters Method

Puts the interior orientation parameters.

Public Sub PutInteriorOrientationParameters ( _
    ByVal direction As esriTransformDirection, _
    ByVal Parameters As Object _
public void PutInteriorOrientationParameters (
    esriTransformDirection direction,
    object Parameters


See putref_InteriorOrientation for more details.

IFrameXform.PutPerspectiveAngles Method

Puts the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.

Public Sub PutPerspectiveAngles ( _
    ByVal omega As Double, _
    ByVal phi As Double, _
    ByVal kappa As Double, _
    ByVal clockwise As Boolean _
public void PutPerspectiveAngles (
    double omega,
    double phi,
    double kappa,
    bool clockwise


An alternative to put_PerspectiveMatrix( ) for establishing the rotation matrix.

IFrameXform.QueryKonradyParameters Method

Queries the Konrady adjustment parameterrs.

Public Sub QueryKonradyParameters ( _
    ByRef pK As Double _
public void QueryKonradyParameters (
    ref double pK

IFrameXform.QueryPerspectiveAngles Method

Queries the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.

Public Sub QueryPerspectiveAngles ( _
    ByRef pOmega As Double, _
    ByRef pPhi As Double, _
    ByRef pKappa As Double, _
    ByRef pClockwise As Boolean _
public void QueryPerspectiveAngles (
    ref double pOmega,
    ref double pPhi,
    ref double pKappa,
    ref bool pClockwise

IFrameXform.QueryPerspectiveMatrix Method

Queries the perspective matrix.

Public Sub QueryPerspectiveMatrix ( _
    ByRef pMatrix As Double _
public void QueryPerspectiveMatrix (
    ref double pMatrix

IFrameXform.Residuals Property

The residuals for distortion table points.

Public ReadOnly Property Residuals As IDoubleArray
public IDoubleArray Residuals {get;}


After using the distortion table to calculate the Konrady coefficients, it is important to check the residuals to detect if any anomalies, for instance an error when inputing the data values. Under normal circumstances, the residuals should be just a few microns. Larger residuals could indicate a problem with the data points.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IGeodataXform Provides access to members that control geodata transformation.

Classes that implement IFrameXform

Classes Description
FrameXform A standard frame camera model transformation class.


Use this interface to set and query parameters associated with a standard frame camera. Many of the parameters are required, and there are multiple ways to set some of these. See the documentation for each parameter for more details.

The required parameters are:

Interior orientation

Principal point

Focal length

Perspective center

Perspective matrix or perspective angles

Average Z or a DEM

Konrady coefficients if radial distortion correction is needed

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