IFrameXform2 Interface

Provides access to members that control a Frame geodata transform.


Name Description
Read/write property ApplyCurvatureAndRefraction Indicates if the adjustment of earth curvature and refraction is applied.
Read/write property AverageZ The average Z in meters.
Read/write property CameraID The camera ID.
Method CompareCameraDefinition Compares if it has the same camera definition as a given frame geodata transform.
Read-only property Domains The domains in output space.
Read/write property EarthRadius The earth radius in meters.
Read/write property EnableKonrady Indicates if the Konrady adjustment to be applied.
Read/write property FocalLength The focal length in micron.
Method GetDistortionTable The distortion tables.
Read/write property ImageTopAngle The angle of the top of image.
Read/write property InteriorOrientation The interior orientation as an affine transformation.
Read-only property IsIdentity Indicates if this geodata transform is an identity transform.
Read/write property KonradyParameters The Konrady adjustment parameters.
Read/write property KonradyType The Konrady calculation method.
Read/write property LSR The LSR-To-USR conversion.
Read/write property PerspectiveCenter The sensor position.
Read/write property PerspectiveMatrix The specified sensor orientation as an orthogonal rotation matrix.
Read/write property PerspectivePolarity The sensor polarity.
Read/write property PrincipalPoint The film principal point.
Method PutAircraftOrientation Sets the sensor exterior orientation (rotation matrix) using aircraft orientation angles in degrees.
Method PutDistortionTable The distortion tables to calculate Konrady coefficients and residuals.
Method PutInteriorOrientationParameters Puts the interior orientation parameters.
Method PutPerspectiveAngles Puts the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.
Method QueryAircraftOrientation Queries aircraft orientation angles in degrees from the sensor exterior orientation (rotation matrix).
Method QueryCameraAxisAngles Computes and returns the apparent position of the camera. The values for Azimuth and Elevation are in degrees.
Method QueryKonradyParameters Queries the Konrady adjustment parameterrs.
Method QueryPerspectiveAngles Queries the sensor exterior orientation as a set of rotation angles in degrees.
Method QueryPerspectiveMatrix Queries the perspective matrix.
Read-only property Residuals The residuals for distortion table points.
Read/write property SpatialReference The output spatial reference after applying this transform.
Method Transform Transforms a set of points in a given direction.
Method TransformCellsize Transforms a cellsize in a given direction.
Method TransformExtent Transforms an extent in a given direction.
Method TransformPoints Transforms a point collection in a given direction

IFrameXform2.CameraID Property

The camera ID.

Public Property CameraID As String
public string CameraID {get; set;}

IFrameXform2.CompareCameraDefinition Method

Compares if it has the same camera definition as a given frame geodata transform.

Public Function CompareCameraDefinition ( _
    ByVal pFrameXf As IFrameXform _
) As Boolean
public bool CompareCameraDefinition (
    IFrameXform pFrameXf

IFrameXform2.ImageTopAngle Property

The angle of the top of image.

Public Property ImageTopAngle As Double
public double ImageTopAngle {get; set;}

IFrameXform2.PutAircraftOrientation Method

Sets the sensor exterior orientation (rotation matrix) using aircraft orientation angles in degrees.

Public Sub PutAircraftOrientation ( _
    ByVal rollDeg As Double, _
    ByVal pitchDeg As Double, _
    ByVal headingDeg As Double, _
    ByVal cameraMountAngleDeg As Double, _
    ByVal clockwise As Boolean _
public void PutAircraftOrientation (
    double rollDeg,
    double pitchDeg,
    double headingDeg,
    double cameraMountAngleDeg,
    bool clockwise

IFrameXform2.QueryAircraftOrientation Method

Queries aircraft orientation angles in degrees from the sensor exterior orientation (rotation matrix).

Public Sub QueryAircraftOrientation ( _
    ByRef pRollDeg As Double, _
    ByRef pPitchDeg As Double, _
    ByRef pTopOfFrameDeg As Double, _
    ByRef pClockwise As Boolean _
public void QueryAircraftOrientation (
    ref double pRollDeg,
    ref double pPitchDeg,
    ref double pTopOfFrameDeg,
    ref bool pClockwise

IFrameXform2.QueryCameraAxisAngles Method

Computes and returns the apparent position of the camera. The values for Azimuth and Elevation are in degrees.

Public Sub QueryCameraAxisAngles ( _
    ByRef pCameraAzimuth As Double, _
    ByRef pCameraElevation As Double _
public void QueryCameraAxisAngles (
    ref double pCameraAzimuth,
    ref double pCameraElevation

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IFrameXform Provides access to members that control a standard frame camera transform.
IGeodataXform Provides access to members that control geodata transformation.

Classes that implement IFrameXform2

Classes Description
FrameXform A standard frame camera model transformation class.

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