IImageRegistration2 Interface

Provides access to members that control an image registration.


Name Description
Method Adjust Applies adjustments from a solution table.
Method AnalyzeControlPoints Analyzes control points quantity and distribution for each image.
Method AppendControlPoints Appends control points from an input point table into a master point table.
Read/write property BlockingType The blocking/sampling type for large images.
Method ComputeAdjustments Computes simple polynomial adjustments.
Method ComputeAllControlPoints Computes matching/control points from a collection of images against reference images.
Method ComputeAllTiePoints Computes matching/tie points from a collection of images.
Method ComputeBlockAdjustment Computes block adjustment for a given block of images.
Method ComputeFeaturePoints Computes feature points for a collection of images.
Method ComputeLinks Computes links from a list control points.
Method ComputeMatchPoints Computes match points for a given list of images.
Method ComputeOverlaps Computes overlapping areas, larger than a given minimum area size, among images.
Method ComputeTiePoints Computes matching/tie points from a collection of feature points.
Method CreateControlPointTable Creates a control point table.
Method CreateCoverageTable Creates a control point coverage table.
Method CreateFeaturePointTable Creates a feature point table.
Method CreateLinkTable Creates a link table.
Method CreateOverlapTable Creates an overlap table.
Method CreateSolutionPointTable Creates a solution point table.
Method CreateSolutionTable Creates a solution table.
Method ExtractAllMatchPoints Extracts all match points between a collection of reference images, and a raw image.
Method ExtractFeaturePoints Extracts feature points from a given image.
Method ExtractMatchPoints Extracts match points between a reference image, and a raw image.
Method FindClosestFeaturePoint Finds the closest feature point from an images around the given point.
Method GetParameter Gets a named parameter.
Method MatchFeaturePoints Matches two sets of feature points.
Read/write property Parameters The image registration parameters.
Method RefineMatchPoints Refines given match points between source and target images.
Read/write property Refinement The match point refinement to be applied.
Method Register Registers an image to a reference image or a link file.
Method RemoveBlunders Removes bad control points, or blunders, to achieve better than a given maximum RMS.
Read/write property ServerObjectName The ArcGIS server object to perform image registration.
Method SetParameter Sets a named parameter.
Read/write property ThreadCount The number of instances for image registration.

IImageRegistration2.AnalyzeControlPoints Method

Analyzes control points quantity and distribution for each image.

Public Sub AnalyzeControlPoints ( _
    ByVal pCatalog As IDataset, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pControlPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pCoverageTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void AnalyzeControlPoints (
    IDataset pCatalog,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    ITable pControlPointTable,
    ITable pCoverageTable,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.AppendControlPoints Method

Appends control points from an input point table into a master point table.

Public Sub AppendControlPoints ( _
    ByVal pMasterPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pInputPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal zFieldName As String, _
    ByVal TagFieldName As String, _
    ByVal pDEM As IRaster, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void AppendControlPoints (
    ITable pMasterPointTable,
    ITable pInputPointTable,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    string zFieldName,
    string TagFieldName,
    IRaster pDEM,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.ComputeAllControlPoints Method

Computes matching/control points from a collection of images against reference images.

Public Sub ComputeAllControlPoints ( _
    ByVal pCatalog As IDataset, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pReferenceImages As IDataset, _
    ByVal pFeaturePointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTiePointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void ComputeAllControlPoints (
    IDataset pCatalog,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    IDataset pReferenceImages,
    ITable pFeaturePointTable,
    ITable pTiePointTable,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.ComputeAllTiePoints Method

Computes matching/tie points from a collection of images.

Public Sub ComputeAllTiePoints ( _
    ByVal pCatalog As IDataset, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pMask As ITable, _
    ByVal pMaskQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pFeaturePointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTiePointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void ComputeAllTiePoints (
    IDataset pCatalog,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    ITable pMask,
    IQueryFilter pMaskQueryFilter,
    ITable pFeaturePointTable,
    ITable pTiePointTable,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.ComputeBlockAdjustment Method

Computes block adjustment for a given block of images.

Public Sub ComputeBlockAdjustment ( _
    ByVal pCatalog As IDataset, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pControlPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pControlPointQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal adjustmentType As String, _
    ByVal adjustmentOptions As String, _
    ByVal pSolutionTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pSolutionPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pSummary As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void ComputeBlockAdjustment (
    IDataset pCatalog,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    ITable pControlPointTable,
    IQueryFilter pControlPointQueryFilter,
    string adjustmentType,
    string adjustmentOptions,
    ITable pSolutionTable,
    ITable pSolutionPointTable,
    IPropertySet pSummary,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.ComputeMatchPoints Method

Computes match points for a given list of images.

Public Function ComputeMatchPoints ( _
    ByVal pDatasets As IArray, _
    ByVal pExtent As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal pImageIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef ppFeaturePointsArray As IArray _
) As IArray
public IArray ComputeMatchPoints (
    IArray pDatasets,
    IEnvelope pExtent,
    ILongArray pImageIDs,
    ref IArray ppFeaturePointsArray

IImageRegistration2.ComputeOverlaps Method

Computes overlapping areas, larger than a given minimum area size, among images.

Public Sub ComputeOverlaps ( _
    ByVal pCatalog As IDataset, _
    ByVal pQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pMask As ITable, _
    ByVal pMaskQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal pControlPointTable As ITable, _
    ByVal minimumArea As Double, _
    ByVal pOverlapTable As ITable, _
    ByVal pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel _
public void ComputeOverlaps (
    IDataset pCatalog,
    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter,
    ITable pMask,
    IQueryFilter pMaskQueryFilter,
    ITable pControlPointTable,
    double minimumArea,
    ITable pOverlapTable,
    ITrackCancel pTrackCancel

IImageRegistration2.CreateCoverageTable Method

Creates a control point coverage table.

Public Function CreateCoverageTable ( _
    ByVal pWorkspace As IWorkspace, _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal pSpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal configKeyword As String _
) As ITable
public ITable CreateCoverageTable (
    IWorkspace pWorkspace,
    string Name,
    ISpatialReference pSpatialReference,
    string configKeyword

IImageRegistration2.CreateLinkTable Method

Creates a link table.

Public Function CreateLinkTable ( _
    ByVal pWorkspace As IWorkspace, _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal pSpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal configKeyword As String _
) As ITable
public ITable CreateLinkTable (
    IWorkspace pWorkspace,
    string Name,
    ISpatialReference pSpatialReference,
    string configKeyword

IImageRegistration2.CreateOverlapTable Method

Creates an overlap table.

Public Function CreateOverlapTable ( _
    ByVal pWorkspace As IWorkspace, _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal pSpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal configKeyword As String _
) As ITable
public ITable CreateOverlapTable (
    IWorkspace pWorkspace,
    string Name,
    ISpatialReference pSpatialReference,
    string configKeyword

IImageRegistration2.CreateSolutionPointTable Method

Creates a solution point table.

Public Function CreateSolutionPointTable ( _
    ByVal pWorkspace As IWorkspace, _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal pSpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal configKeyword As String _
) As ITable
public ITable CreateSolutionPointTable (
    IWorkspace pWorkspace,
    string Name,
    ISpatialReference pSpatialReference,
    string configKeyword

IImageRegistration2.Register Method

Registers an image to a reference image or a link file.

Public Sub Register ( _
    ByVal pRaster As IRaster, _
    ByVal pRefRaster As IRaster, _
    ByVal Mode As String, _
    ByVal gtType As esriGeoTransTypeEnum, _
    ByVal linkFile As String, _
    ByVal outputLinkFile As String _
public void Register (
    IRaster pRaster,
    IRaster pRefRaster,
    string Mode,
    esriGeoTransTypeEnum gtType,
    string linkFile,
    string outputLinkFile

IImageRegistration2.RemoveBlunders Method

Removes bad control points, or blunders, to achieve better than a given maximum RMS.

Public Function RemoveBlunders ( _
    ByVal pFromGCPs As IPointCollection, _
    ByVal pToGCPs As IPointCollection, _
    ByVal Type As esriGeoTransTypeEnum, _
    ByVal maximumRMS As Double _
) As IPointCollection
public IPointCollection RemoveBlunders (
    IPointCollection pFromGCPs,
    IPointCollection pToGCPs,
    esriGeoTransTypeEnum Type,
    double maximumRMS

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IImageRegistration Provides access to members that control an image registration.

Classes that implement IImageRegistration2

Classes Description
ImageRegistration The Image Registration class.

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