IMensuration Interface

Provides basic mensuration functionality utilizing sensor models that are compliant with the Community Sensor Model (CSM) specification.


Name Description
Read-only property CanErrorPropagate Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports error propagation.
Read-only property CanMeasure Indicates if the specified image segment can be used for mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureHeightBaseToTop Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports height mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureHeightBaseToTopShadow Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports shadow mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureHeightTopToTopShadow Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports shadow mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureMonoscopic Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports monoscopic mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureMultiImages Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports multi-image mensuration.
Read-only property CanMeasureStereoscopic Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports stereoscopic mensuration.
Method ConvertAngular Converts angular measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.
Method ConvertArea Converts area measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.
Method ConvertDisplayCoordUnit Gets different coordinate unit display representation for input point (latitude, longitude).
Method ConvertErrCovarianceUnits Converts the covariance matrix's units.
Method ConvertLinear Converts linear measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.
Read/write property DefaultPointingErrCovariance Default pointing error covariance matrix.
Read/write property DEM The DEM for the raster to be used for mensuration.
Read/write property DesiredPrecision The iteration precision of the image-to-ground and ground-to-image calculations.
Method GetAreaAndPerimeter Computes the area and perimeter of a polygon with no interior holes.
Method GetAzimuthAngle Computes the azimuth angle of the line connecting the two input map points.
Method GetCentroid Gets the coordinates of the centroid of a polygon and the associated error covariance matrix.
Method GetDistance Computes the actual distance between two points given their map points.
Method GetHeightFromBaseAndTop Estimates the height of an object given the base and the top map points of the object.
Method GetHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow Estimates the height of an object given the map point of the object's base and the tip of the object's top shadow.
Method GetHeightFromTopAndTopShadow Estimates the height of an object given the top map point of the object and the tip of the object's top shadow.
Method GetPoint Gets the coordinates of a map point and the associated error covariance matrix.
Method GetSensorModelProperty Gets a property value of the sensor model currently being used by this IMensuration.
Read-only property Name The name of this IMensuration object.
Method PutSensorModelProperty Sets a property value of the sensor model.
Method PutTerrainParameters Sets the name of the terrain model and the associated terrain model data source information.
Write-only property Raster The raster object to be used for mensuration.
Read-only property SensorModel The name of the sensor model currently being used by this IMensuration object.
Read-only property SensorModelProperties The properties of the current sensor model.
Method SignificantFigures Truncates input mensuration and uncertainty values based on acceptable rules for reporting measurement and uncertianty values.
Read-only property TMName The name of the TerrainModel used by this IMensuration object.
Read-only property Valid Indicates if all the required system parameters and resources of this IMensuration have been successfully initialized.
Read-only property Version The version of this IMensuration.

IMensuration.CanErrorPropagate Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports error propagation.

Public ReadOnly Property CanErrorPropagate As Boolean
public bool CanErrorPropagate {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasure Property

Indicates if the specified image segment can be used for mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasure As Boolean
public bool CanMeasure {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureHeightBaseToTop Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports height mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureHeightBaseToTop As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureHeightBaseToTop {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureHeightBaseToTopShadow Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports shadow mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureHeightBaseToTopShadow As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureHeightBaseToTopShadow {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureHeightTopToTopShadow Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports shadow mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureHeightTopToTopShadow As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureHeightTopToTopShadow {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureMonoscopic Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports monoscopic mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureMonoscopic As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureMonoscopic {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureMultiImages Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports multi-image mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureMultiImages As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureMultiImages {get;}

IMensuration.CanMeasureStereoscopic Property

Indicates if the sensor model associated with the current image segment supports stereoscopic mensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property CanMeasureStereoscopic As Boolean
public bool CanMeasureStereoscopic {get;}

IMensuration.ConvertAngular Method

Converts angular measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.

Public Sub ConvertAngular ( _
    ByVal FromUnit As esriDirectionUnits, _
    ByVal ToUnit As esriDirectionUnits, _
    ByVal inputValue As Double, _
    ByRef pOutputValue As Double _
public void ConvertAngular (
    esriDirectionUnits FromUnit,
    esriDirectionUnits ToUnit,
    double inputValue,
    ref double pOutputValue

IMensuration.ConvertArea Method

Converts area measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.

Public Sub ConvertArea ( _
    ByVal FromUnit As esriAreaUnits, _
    ByVal ToUnit As esriAreaUnits, _
    ByVal inputValue As Double, _
    ByRef pOutputValue As Double _
public void ConvertArea (
    esriAreaUnits FromUnit,
    esriAreaUnits ToUnit,
    double inputValue,
    ref double pOutputValue

IMensuration.ConvertDisplayCoordUnit Method

Gets different coordinate unit display representation for input point (latitude, longitude).

Public Function ConvertDisplayCoordUnit ( _
    ByVal desiredDisplayUnit As esriDisplayCoordUnitType, _
    ByVal pGeographicPt As IPoint _
) As String
public string ConvertDisplayCoordUnit (
    esriDisplayCoordUnitType desiredDisplayUnit,
    IPoint pGeographicPt

IMensuration.ConvertErrCovarianceUnits Method

Converts the covariance matrix's units.

Public Sub ConvertErrCovarianceUnits ( _
    ByVal inHorizAngularUnit As esriDirectionUnits, _
    ByVal outHorizAngularUnit As esriDirectionUnits, _
    ByVal inHorizLinearUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal outHorizLinearUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal inVertUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal outVertUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal horizontalUnitType As Integer, _
    ByVal pCovariance As IDoubleArray _
public void ConvertErrCovarianceUnits (
    esriDirectionUnits inHorizAngularUnit,
    esriDirectionUnits outHorizAngularUnit,
    esriUnits inHorizLinearUnit,
    esriUnits outHorizLinearUnit,
    esriUnits inVertUnit,
    esriUnits outVertUnit,
    int horizontalUnitType,
    IDoubleArray pCovariance

IMensuration.ConvertLinear Method

Converts linear measurement from 'fromUnit' to 'toUnit.

Public Sub ConvertLinear ( _
    ByVal FromUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal ToUnit As esriUnits, _
    ByVal inputValue As Double, _
    ByRef pOutputValue As Double _
public void ConvertLinear (
    esriUnits FromUnit,
    esriUnits ToUnit,
    double inputValue,
    ref double pOutputValue

IMensuration.DefaultPointingErrCovariance Property

Default pointing error covariance matrix.

Public Property DefaultPointingErrCovariance As IDoubleArray
public IDoubleArray DefaultPointingErrCovariance {get; set;}

IMensuration.DEM Property

The DEM for the raster to be used for mensuration.

Public Property DEM As IRaster
public IRaster DEM {get; set;}

IMensuration.DesiredPrecision Property

The iteration precision of the image-to-ground and ground-to-image calculations.

Public Property DesiredPrecision As Double
public double DesiredPrecision {get; set;}

IMensuration.GetAreaAndPerimeter Method

Computes the area and perimeter of a polygon with no interior holes.

Public Sub GetAreaAndPerimeter ( _
    ByVal pPolygon As IPolygon, _
    ByRef ppPolygonMeasurement As IPolygonMeasurement _
public void GetAreaAndPerimeter (
    IPolygon pPolygon,
    ref IPolygonMeasurement ppPolygonMeasurement

IMensuration.GetAzimuthAngle Method

Computes the azimuth angle of the line connecting the two input map points.

Public Sub GetAzimuthAngle ( _
    ByVal pFirstPoint As IPoint, _
    ByVal pSecondPoint As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppAngleMeasurement As IAngularMeasurement _
public void GetAzimuthAngle (
    IPoint pFirstPoint,
    IPoint pSecondPoint,
    ref IAngularMeasurement ppAngleMeasurement

IMensuration.GetCentroid Method

Gets the coordinates of the centroid of a polygon and the associated error covariance matrix.

Public Sub GetCentroid ( _
    ByVal pPolygon As IPolygon, _
    ByRef ppPointMeasurement As IPointMeasurement _
public void GetCentroid (
    IPolygon pPolygon,
    ref IPointMeasurement ppPointMeasurement

IMensuration.GetDistance Method

Computes the actual distance between two points given their map points.

Public Sub GetDistance ( _
    ByVal pFirstPoint As IPoint, _
    ByVal pSecondPoint As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppDistMeasurement As IDistanceMeasurement _
public void GetDistance (
    IPoint pFirstPoint,
    IPoint pSecondPoint,
    ref IDistanceMeasurement ppDistMeasurement

IMensuration.GetHeightFromBaseAndTop Method

Estimates the height of an object given the base and the top map points of the object.

Public Sub GetHeightFromBaseAndTop ( _
    ByVal pBaseOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByVal pTopOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppHtMeasurement As IHeightMeasurement _
public void GetHeightFromBaseAndTop (
    IPoint pBaseOfObject,
    IPoint pTopOfObject,
    ref IHeightMeasurement ppHtMeasurement

IMensuration.GetHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow Method

Estimates the height of an object given the map point of the object's base and the tip of the object's top shadow.

Public Sub GetHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow ( _
    ByVal pBaseOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByVal pTopShadowOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppHtMeasurement As IHeightMeasurement _
public void GetHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow (
    IPoint pBaseOfObject,
    IPoint pTopShadowOfObject,
    ref IHeightMeasurement ppHtMeasurement

IMensuration.GetHeightFromTopAndTopShadow Method

Estimates the height of an object given the top map point of the object and the tip of the object's top shadow.

Public Sub GetHeightFromTopAndTopShadow ( _
    ByVal pTopOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByVal pTopShadowOfObject As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppHtMeasurement As IHeightMeasurement _
public void GetHeightFromTopAndTopShadow (
    IPoint pTopOfObject,
    IPoint pTopShadowOfObject,
    ref IHeightMeasurement ppHtMeasurement

IMensuration.GetPoint Method

Gets the coordinates of a map point and the associated error covariance matrix.

Public Sub GetPoint ( _
    ByVal pPoint As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppPointMeasurement As IPointMeasurement _
public void GetPoint (
    IPoint pPoint,
    ref IPointMeasurement ppPointMeasurement

IMensuration.GetSensorModelProperty Method

Gets a property value of the sensor model currently being used by this IMensuration.

Public Function GetSensorModelProperty ( _
    ByVal propertyName As String _
) As Object
public object GetSensorModelProperty (
    string propertyName

IMensuration.Name Property

The name of this IMensuration object.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

IMensuration.PutSensorModelProperty Method

Sets a property value of the sensor model.

Public Sub PutSensorModelProperty ( _
    ByVal propertyKey As String, _
    ByVal propertyValue As String _
public void PutSensorModelProperty (
    string propertyKey,
    string propertyValue

IMensuration.PutTerrainParameters Method

Sets the name of the terrain model and the associated terrain model data source information.

Public Sub PutTerrainParameters ( _
    ByVal terrainModelDataSrc As String, _
    ByVal terrainModelName As String _
public void PutTerrainParameters (
    string terrainModelDataSrc,
    string terrainModelName

IMensuration.Raster Property

The raster object to be used for mensuration.

Public WriteOnly Property Raster
public void Raster {set;}

IMensuration.SensorModel Property

The name of the sensor model currently being used by this IMensuration object.

Public ReadOnly Property SensorModel As String
public string SensorModel {get;}

IMensuration.SensorModelProperties Property

The properties of the current sensor model.

Public ReadOnly Property SensorModelProperties As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet SensorModelProperties {get;}

IMensuration.SignificantFigures Method

Truncates input mensuration and uncertainty values based on acceptable rules for reporting measurement and uncertianty values.

Public Sub SignificantFigures ( _
    ByVal measurementValue As Double, _
    ByVal uncertainty As Double, _
    ByRef pMeasurement As String, _
    ByRef pUncertainty As String _
public void SignificantFigures (
    double measurementValue,
    double uncertainty,
    ref string pMeasurement,
    ref string pUncertainty

IMensuration.TMName Property

The name of the TerrainModel used by this IMensuration object.

Public ReadOnly Property TMName As String
public string TMName {get;}

IMensuration.Valid Property

Indicates if all the required system parameters and resources of this IMensuration have been successfully initialized.

Public ReadOnly Property Valid As Boolean
public bool Valid {get;}

IMensuration.Version Property

The version of this IMensuration.

Public ReadOnly Property Version As String
public string Version {get;}

Classes that implement IMensuration

Classes Description
Mensuration Implenments interface IMensuration to provide commercial basic mensuration services for the Esri Mensuration System.

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