IMosaicRaster Interface

Provides access to members that control a MosaicRaster.


IMosaicRaster allows you to specify the raster catalog or the selection on a raster catalog to be mosaicked. A custom MosaicOperator or a predefined MosaicOperatorType for overlapping areas can also be set. If the raster datasets have colormap, setting the MosaicColormapMode will manipulate the colormap of the output mosaic.


Name Description
Read/write property Ascending Indicates whether the ascending flag of OrderBy.
Read/write property Colormap The colormap to be used.
Read/write property MosaicColormapMode The current mode for mosaicking pseucolor rasters.
Read/write property MosaicOperator The current mosaic operator.
Read/write property MosaicOperatorType The current mosaic operator type.
Read/write property OrderByField The Order By fields on the base RasterCatalog.
Read/write property RasterCatalog The base RasterCatalog.
Read/write property WhereClause The Where Clause on the base RasterCatalog.

IMosaicRaster.Ascending Property

Indicates whether the ascending flag of OrderBy.

Public Property Ascending As Boolean
public bool Ascending {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.Colormap Property

The colormap to be used.

Public Property Colormap As IRasterColormap
public IRasterColormap Colormap {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.MosaicColormapMode Property

The current mode for mosaicking pseucolor rasters.

Public Property MosaicColormapMode As rstMosaicColormapMode
public rstMosaicColormapMode MosaicColormapMode {get; set;}


It is only applicable to ArcSDE rasters.

IMosaicRaster.MosaicOperator Property

The current mosaic operator.

Public Property MosaicOperator As IMosaicOperator
public IMosaicOperator MosaicOperator {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.MosaicOperatorType Property

The current mosaic operator type.

Public Property MosaicOperatorType As rstMosaicOperatorType
public rstMosaicOperatorType MosaicOperatorType {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.OrderByField Property

The Order By fields on the base RasterCatalog.

Public Property OrderByField As String
public string OrderByField {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.RasterCatalog Property

The base RasterCatalog.

Public Property RasterCatalog As IRasterCatalog
public IRasterCatalog RasterCatalog {get; set;}

IMosaicRaster.WhereClause Property

The Where Clause on the base RasterCatalog.

Public Property WhereClause As String
public string WhereClause {get; set;}

Classes that implement IMosaicRaster

Classes Description
MosaicRaster A mosaic of rasters.

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