IPansharpeningFilter Interface

Provides access to members that control a pansharpening filter.


Name Description
Read/write property InfraredImage The optional infrared image.
Read/write property PanImage The panchromatic image.
Read/write property PansharpeningType The current pansharpening type.
Method PutWeights Puts the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.
Method QueryWeights Gets the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.

IPansharpeningFilter.InfraredImage Property

The optional infrared image.

Public Property InfraredImage As IRaster
public IRaster InfraredImage {get; set;}


It is optional. If not set, Infrared band will not be used in the pan sharpening operation.

IPansharpeningFilter.PanImage Property

The panchromatic image.

Public Property PanImage As IRaster
public IRaster PanImage {get; set;}

IPansharpeningFilter.PansharpeningType Property

The current pansharpening type.

Public Property PansharpeningType As esriPansharpeningType
public esriPansharpeningType PansharpeningType {get; set;}


Pan-sharpening is a process of transformaing a set of low special resolution multispectral images to high spatial resolution color images, by fusing a co-georegistered high spatial resolution panchromatic image.

ArcGIS 9.2 provides four pan-sharpening methods: Simple, Brovey, IHS, and ERSI pansharpening. These methods are all based on the following general model:

A pixel value of a Pan image is considered a weighted average of Red, Green, Blue, and (optional) Infrared components:

P = R*RW + G*GW + B*BW + I*IW1 = RW + GW + BW + IW

where RW, GW, BW, and IW are weights for Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared components. P, R, G, B, and I (as wll as P', R', G', I') represent the input and output pixel values of the panchromatic, Red, green, blue and Infrared bands respectively.

Brovey method:


IHS method:


ESRI method:

WA (Weighted averate) = R*RW + G*GW + B* BW + + I*IW /(RW+GW+BW+IW)ADJ (Adjusted value) = P- WA

R' = R+ADJG' = G+ADJB' = B+ADJI' = I+ADJ

Mean method:

R' = 0.5 * (R + P)G' = 0.5 * (G + P)B' = 0.5 * (B + P) < /P >

IPansharpeningFilter.PutWeights Method

Puts the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.

Public Sub PutWeights ( _
    ByVal RW As Double, _
    ByVal GW As Double, _
    ByVal BW As Double, _
    ByVal IW As Double _
public void PutWeights (
    double RW,
    double GW,
    double BW,
    double IW

IPansharpeningFilter.QueryWeights Method

Gets the Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared weights contributing to panchromatic image.

Public Sub QueryWeights ( _
    ByRef pRW As Double, _
    ByRef pGW As Double, _
    ByRef pBW As Double, _
    ByRef pIW As Double _
public void QueryWeights (
    ref double pRW,
    ref double pGW,
    ref double pBW,
    ref double pIW

Classes that implement IPansharpeningFilter

Classes Description
PansharpeningFilter A class for pansharpening filter.


The IPansharpeningFilter is used to create a PansharpeningFilter object which can be used to perform image enhancement of a multiband raster dataset using a co-registered panchromatic fine resolution dataset. Four pan-sharpening methods are avaliable in ArcGIS 9.2 including Mean, Brovey, IHS (Intensity, Hue and Saturation), and ESRI pan-sharpening methods.

To Create a PansharpeningFilter object, you need to set a panchromatic Raster, which is created from a single band image and then specify a filter type.

The PansharpeningFilter object can be applied to a Raster, which is created from a multiband image, using IPixelOperation interface

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