IRasterColormap2 Interface

Provides access to members that control a raster colormap.


Name Description
Method Bin Translates pixel values into integers to index them into the colormap.
Read-only property BinFunction The Bin function that maps pixel value into colormap index.
Read/write property BlueValues Array of blue ratios as doubles between 0.0 and 1.0.
Read/write property Colors Array of colors as OLE_​COLORs.
Read/write property GreenValues Array of green ratios as doubles between 0.0 and 1.0.
Write-only property LUT The lookup table (OBJECTID, VALUE) for remaping from index to pixel value.
Read/write property RedValues Array of red ratios as doubles between 0.0 and 1.0.
Read-only property RemappedBlueValues The remapped Blue color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).
Read-only property RemappedColors The remapped colors using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).
Read-only property RemappedGreenValues The remapped Green color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).
Read-only property RemappedRedValues The remapped Red color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).

IRasterColormap2.BinFunction Property

The Bin function that maps pixel value into colormap index.

Public ReadOnly Property BinFunction As IBinFunction
public IBinFunction BinFunction {get;}

IRasterColormap2.LUT Property

The lookup table (OBJECTID, VALUE) for remaping from index to pixel value.

Public WriteOnly Property LUT
public void LUT {set;}


Set the lookup table to map index to raster pixel value.

IRasterColormap2.RemappedBlueValues Property

The remapped Blue color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).

Public ReadOnly Property RemappedBlueValues As Object
public object RemappedBlueValues {get;}

IRasterColormap2.RemappedColors Property

The remapped colors using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).

Public ReadOnly Property RemappedColors As Object
public object RemappedColors {get;}

IRasterColormap2.RemappedGreenValues Property

The remapped Green color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).

Public ReadOnly Property RemappedGreenValues As Object
public object RemappedGreenValues {get;}

IRasterColormap2.RemappedRedValues Property

The remapped Red color component values using LUT from index to value (OBJECTID, VALUE).

Public ReadOnly Property RemappedRedValues As Object
public object RemappedRedValues {get;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterColormap Provides access to members that control a raster colormap.

Classes that implement IRasterColormap2

Classes Description
RasterColormap A container for a colormap used to display a raster band.


The IRasterColormap2 interface provides function to map the index (objectid) to raster pixel values, so the entries in the raster colormap match the raster pixel values correctly. The LUT property sets the lookup table for mapping from index to raster pixel value.

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