IRasterInfo2 Interface

Provides access to members that control a raster info object.


Name Description
Read/write property AttributeTable The raster attribute table.
Read/write property BandCount The number of bands in the Raster.
Read/write property BlockHeight The block height in pixels.
Read/write property BlockWidth The block width in pixels.
Read/write property CellSize The raster cell size.
Read/write property Colormap The raster colormap.
Read/write property Extent The raster extent.
Read/write property FirstPyramidLevel The first pyramid level.
Read/write property Format The raster format, e.g. TIFF, NITF, and etc.
Read/write property GeodataXform The raster GeoData transform.
Read-only property Height The raster height in pixels.
Read/write property Histogram The histogram of a given band.
Method Init Initializes from a raster.
Read/write property LODInfos The tiling Levels Of Details.
Read/write property MaximumCellSize The maximum cell size associated with this raster.
Read/write property MaximumPyramidLevel The maximum pyramid level.
Read/write property NativeExtent The native raster extent before GeoData transform.
Read/write property NativeSpatialReference The native raster spatial reference before GeoData transform.
Read/write property NoData The NoData value used to indicate invalid or excluded data.
Read/write property Origin The tiling origin.
Read/write property PixelResampler The current raster resampler.
Read/write property PixelType The raster pixel type.
Method RemoveStatsHistograms Removes all band statistics and histograms.
Read/write property Resampling Indicates if this raster source wants to perform resampling.
Read-only property SpatialReference The raster spatial reference.
Read/write property Statistics The statistics of a given band.
Read/write property SupportBandSelection Indicates if this function supports band selection.
Read-only property Width The raster width in pixels.

IRasterInfo2.AttributeTable Property

The raster attribute table.

Public Property AttributeTable As ITable
public ITable AttributeTable {get; set;}

IRasterInfo2.Colormap Property

The raster colormap.

Public Property Colormap As IRasterColormap
public IRasterColormap Colormap {get; set;}

IRasterInfo2.Histogram Property

The histogram of a given band.

Public Function get_Histogram ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer _
) As IRasterHistogram
Public Sub set_Histogram ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer, _
    ByVal ppHistogram As IRasterHistogram _
public IRasterHistogram get_Histogram (
    int iBand
public void set_Histogram (
    int iBand,
    IRasterHistogram ppHistogram

IRasterInfo2.Init Method

Initializes from a raster.

Public Sub Init ( _
    ByVal pRaster As IRaster _
public void Init (
    IRaster pRaster

IRasterInfo2.LODInfos Property

The tiling Levels Of Details.

Public Property LODInfos As IRasterLODInfos
public IRasterLODInfos LODInfos {get; set;}

IRasterInfo2.MaximumCellSize Property

The maximum cell size associated with this raster.

Public Property MaximumCellSize As IPnt
public IPnt MaximumCellSize {get; set;}

IRasterInfo2.PixelResampler Property

The current raster resampler.

Public Property PixelResampler As IPixelResampler
public IPixelResampler PixelResampler {get; set;}

IRasterInfo2.RemoveStatsHistograms Method

Removes all band statistics and histograms.

Public Sub RemoveStatsHistograms ( _
public void RemoveStatsHistograms (

IRasterInfo2.Statistics Property

The statistics of a given band.

Public Function get_Statistics ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer _
) As IRasterStatistics
Public Sub set_Statistics ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer, _
    ByVal ppStats As IRasterStatistics _
public IRasterStatistics get_Statistics (
    int iBand
public void set_Statistics (
    int iBand,
    IRasterStatistics ppStats

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterInfo Provides access to members that control a raster info object.

Classes that implement IRasterInfo2

Classes Description
RasterInfo A class for a raster info value object containing information about a raster.

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