IRasterStatistics Interface

Provides access to members that control raster statistics.


Name Description
Read/write property IgnoredValues Array of doubles indicating the pixel values not included in the statistics calculation.
Read/write property IsValid Indicates if statistics are fresh.
Read/write property Maximum Approximate largest value.
Read/write property Mean Approximate average value.
Read-only property Median Divides pixel population approximately in halves.
Read/write property Minimum Approximate smallest value.
Read-only property Mode Approximate most popular pixel value.
Write-only property RasterBand The RasterBand.
Method Recalculate Recalculate statistics based upon current skip factors and ignored values.
Read/write property SkipFactorX Number of horizontal pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.
Read/write property SkipFactorY Number of vertical pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.
Read/write property StandardDeviation Measures spread of pixel values about the mean.

IRasterStatistics.IgnoredValues Property

Array of doubles indicating the pixel values not included in the statistics calculation.

Public Property IgnoredValues As Object
public object IgnoredValues {get; set;}


The ignore value is ignored if calculating statistics on a grid.

IRasterStatistics.IsValid Property

Indicates if statistics are fresh.

Public Property IsValid As Boolean
public bool IsValid {get; set;}

IRasterStatistics.Maximum Property

Approximate largest value.

Public Property Maximum As Double
public double Maximum {get; set;}

IRasterStatistics.Mean Property

Approximate average value.

Public Property Mean As Double
public double Mean {get; set;}

IRasterStatistics.Median Property

Divides pixel population approximately in halves.

Public ReadOnly Property Median As Double
public double Median {get;}

IRasterStatistics.Minimum Property

Approximate smallest value.

Public Property Minimum As Double
public double Minimum {get; set;}

IRasterStatistics.Mode Property

Approximate most popular pixel value.

Public ReadOnly Property Mode As Double
public double Mode {get;}

IRasterStatistics.RasterBand Property

The RasterBand.

Public WriteOnly Property RasterBand
public void RasterBand {set;}

IRasterStatistics.Recalculate Method

Recalculate statistics based upon current skip factors and ignored values.

Public Sub Recalculate ( _
public void Recalculate (

IRasterStatistics.SkipFactorX Property

Number of horizontal pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.

Public Property SkipFactorX As Integer
public int SkipFactorX {get; set;}


The skip factor is ignored, always use 1, if calculating statistics on a grid.

IRasterStatistics.SkipFactorY Property

Number of vertical pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.

Public Property SkipFactorY As Integer
public int SkipFactorY {get; set;}


The skip factor is ignored, always use 1, if calculating statistics on a grid.

IRasterStatistics.StandardDeviation Property

Measures spread of pixel values about the mean.

Public Property StandardDeviation As Double
public double StandardDeviation {get; set;}

Classes that implement IRasterStatistics

Classes Description
RasterStatistics A raster statistics class.


The RasterStatistics class is not cocreatable and must be retrieved from a RasterBandobject. The statistics only provide information about a single band and are used when displaying the raster. The statistics may be modified or recalculated using this object.

Statistics can be calculated by setting a skip factor to avoid calculating on a full raster. Although the statitics calculated this way is not true statstics of the raster, it can reduce the calculating time significantly for large images without noticeable decreasing of the display quality.

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