IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters3 Interface

Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler.


Name Description
Read/write property ActiveTemplate The name of the active item template associated with the raster type used for building the specified data source. A raster type that doesn't contain the matching template is not considered candidate. All other templates are disabled when building the data sour
Read/write property AllowAncillaryDatasets Indicates whether ancillary dataset generated by complex raster type item templates are to be allowed by handler operations.
Read/write property AllowBuilderItems Indicates whether sensor raster types are used in the attempt to load the data source.
Read/write property AllowQuickOpen Indicates whether an applicable data source (like a mosaic dataset item) loads with only basic information. Preventing it from connecting to pixel data (referenced by the underlying rasters in the function stack) can substantially improve performance of IRaste
Read/write property AllowRasterDatasets Indicates whether an attempt is made to load the data source as a non-sensor-dataset: i.e., a regular raster dataset, a mosaic dataset or a raster catalog item, a web service or image service item URL.
Read/write property DataSource The data source to be supplied to handler operations.
Read/write property RasterTypeParameters Override parameters injected into the raster types while contructing a function raster dataset from a data source.
Read/write property RasterTypes The collection of raster types on which the handler operates.
Read/write property StopAtFirstFind Indicates whether handler operations stops searching for candidate raster types or templates once the first candidate is found.
Read/write property TrackCancel The cancel tracker associated with handler operations.
Read/write property TryQuickCheckOnly Indicates whether handler operations perform only cursory checks (via IRasterBuilder.CanBuild) on data sources to identify candidate raster types and templates.

IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters3.ActiveTemplate Property

The name of the active item template associated with the raster type used for building the specified data source. A raster type that doesn't contain the matching template is not considered candidate. All other templates are disabled when building the data sour.

Public Property ActiveTemplate As String
public string ActiveTemplate {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters2 Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler.
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler.

Classes that implement IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters3

Classes Description
RasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters Parameters that control raster type data source handler operations.

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