IRasterTypeProperties Interface

Provides access to members that control raster type properties.


Name Description
Read/write property AddRastersParameters The parameters controlling how rasters are added using this raster type.
Read/write property DataSourceFilter Regular expression formed using wild card characters ('*', '?', or '.') for matching data source items requested for URI constructions. No item URIs are created for input that doesn't match the specified regular expression.
Read/write property Description Description of the raster type.
Read/write property EnableClipToFootprint Indicates whether datasets are clipped to their footprints.
Read/write property FirstAddTimeStamp The time when this raster type was first used for adding rasters to the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.
Read/write property InputDataSourceTypes The types of input data source types as a bitwise combination of esriCrawlerDataSourceType values.
Read/write property LastAddTimeStamp The time when this raster type was last used for adding rasters to the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.
Read/write property LastSyncTimeStamp The time when this raster type was last used for synchronizing one or more rasters in the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.
Read/write property Name Name of the raster type.
Read/write property OperationDescription A user-identifiable description of the collection of items added by this raster type instance.
Read/write property OrthorectificationParameters The parameters controlling orthorectification of raster datasets built by this raster type.
Read/write property SupportedURIFilters Default URI filters supported by the raster type.
Read/write property SupportsOrthorectification Indicates whether the raster type supports orthorectification.
Read/write property SupportsSeamline Indicates whether the raster type supports seamline.
Read/write property SupportsStereo Indicates whether the raster type supports stereo.
Read/write property SynchronizeParameters The parameters controlling how rasters are synchronized using this raster type instance.

IRasterTypeProperties.AddRastersParameters Property

The parameters controlling how rasters are added using this raster type.

Public Property AddRastersParameters As IAddRastersParameters
public IAddRastersParameters AddRastersParameters {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.DataSourceFilter Property

Regular expression formed using wild card characters ('*', '?', or '.') for matching data source items requested for URI constructions. No item URIs are created for input that doesn't match the specified regular expression.

Public Property DataSourceFilter As String
public string DataSourceFilter {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.Description Property

Description of the raster type.

Public Property Description As String
public string Description {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.EnableClipToFootprint Property

Indicates whether datasets are clipped to their footprints.

Public Property EnableClipToFootprint As Boolean
public bool EnableClipToFootprint {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.FirstAddTimeStamp Property

The time when this raster type was first used for adding rasters to the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.

Public Property FirstAddTimeStamp As DateTime
public DateTime FirstAddTimeStamp {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.InputDataSourceTypes Property

The types of input data source types as a bitwise combination of esriCrawlerDataSourceType values.

Public Property InputDataSourceTypes As Integer
public int InputDataSourceTypes {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.LastAddTimeStamp Property

The time when this raster type was last used for adding rasters to the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.

Public Property LastAddTimeStamp As DateTime
public DateTime LastAddTimeStamp {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.LastSyncTimeStamp Property

The time when this raster type was last used for synchronizing one or more rasters in the mosaic dataset. The value in this property also appears in the moasic dataset's raster type table.

Public Property LastSyncTimeStamp As DateTime
public DateTime LastSyncTimeStamp {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.Name Property

Name of the raster type.

Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.OperationDescription Property

A user-identifiable description of the collection of items added by this raster type instance.

Public Property OperationDescription As String
public string OperationDescription {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.OrthorectificationParameters Property

The parameters controlling orthorectification of raster datasets built by this raster type.

Public Property OrthorectificationParameters As IGeometricFunctionArguments
public IGeometricFunctionArguments OrthorectificationParameters {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.SupportedURIFilters Property

Default URI filters supported by the raster type.

Public Property SupportedURIFilters As IArray
public IArray SupportedURIFilters {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.SupportsOrthorectification Property

Indicates whether the raster type supports orthorectification.

Public Property SupportsOrthorectification As Boolean
public bool SupportsOrthorectification {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.SupportsSeamline Property

Indicates whether the raster type supports seamline.

Public Property SupportsSeamline As Boolean
public bool SupportsSeamline {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.SupportsStereo Property

Indicates whether the raster type supports stereo.

Public Property SupportsStereo As Boolean
public bool SupportsStereo {get; set;}

IRasterTypeProperties.SynchronizeParameters Property

The parameters controlling how rasters are synchronized using this raster type instance.

Public Property SynchronizeParameters As ISynchronizeParameters
public ISynchronizeParameters SynchronizeParameters {get; set;}

Classes that implement IRasterTypeProperties

Classes Description
RasterType A raster type object.

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