ISelectionParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control selection parameters.


Name Description
Read/write property QueryFilter The query filter applied on the selection set to identify the collection of catalog items on which to perform the associated operation. If no selection is specified, the query filter is applied on the entire catalog.
Read/write property SelectionSet The selection set that identifies the collection of catalog items on which to perform the associated operation.

ISelectionParameters.QueryFilter Property

The query filter applied on the selection set to identify the collection of catalog items on which to perform the associated operation. If no selection is specified, the query filter is applied on the entire catalog.

Public Property QueryFilter As IQueryFilter
public IQueryFilter QueryFilter {get; set;}

ISelectionParameters.SelectionSet Property

The selection set that identifies the collection of catalog items on which to perform the associated operation.

Public Property SelectionSet As ISelectionSet
public ISelectionSet SelectionSet {get; set;}

Classes that implement ISelectionParameters

Classes Description
AnalyzeParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is analyzed.
BuildBoundaryParameters An object that controls how the boundary of a mosaic dataset is computed.
BuildFootprintsParameters An object that controls how footrints of items in a mosaic dataset are computed.
BuildMultidimensionalInfoParameters An object that controls how multidimensional info a mosaic dataset is generated.
BuildSeamlinesParameters An object that controls how the seamline geometry for items in a mosiac dataset are computed.
CalculateCellSizeRangesParameters An object that controls how visibility ranges for items in a mosaic dataset are computed.
ComputeDirtyAreaParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's dirty area geometry is computed.
ComputePixelAlignmentParameters An object that controls how pixel alignment of mosaic dataset items is computed.
DefineNoDataParameters An object that controls how NoData values are defined for items in a mosaic dataset.
DefineOverviewsParameters An object that controls how new overview items are created in a mosaic dataset.
EstimateStatisticsParameters An object that controls how raster statistics of a mosaic dataset are estimated.
ExportGeometryParameters An object that controls how geometries in a mosaic dataset are exported.
ExportItemsParameters An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are exported.
GenerateOverviewsParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's overview images are generated.
ImportGeometryParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's geometry gets imported.
MergeItemsParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset items are merged.
MosaicDatasetSelectionParameters An object that controls how rasters in a mosaic dataset are selected.
QueryPathsParameters An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are queried.
RemoveItemsParameters An object that controls how items are removed from a mosaic dataset.
ReplacePathsParameters An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are updated.
SplitMergedItemsParameters An object that controls how merged mosaic dataset items are split.
SynchronizeParameters An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are synchronized.

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