IStatsHistogram3 Interface

Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram.


Name Description
Method Accumulate Accumulates a value and its count.
Method AccumulateCovariance Accumulates covariance array, numValidPixel.
Read/write property Covariances Array of doubles, the covariances with the n bands of the raster.
Method Empty Empties this RasterStatsHistogram and marks it invalid.
Method HasHistogram Checks if this StatsHistogram has histogram.
Method HasStats Checks if this StatsHistogram has stats.
Read/write property Histogram The histogram values of the statistics.
Method InitCovariances Resizes covariance array to nBands, init all elements to 0.
Read/write property Max The maximum value of the historgram.
Read/write property Mean The mean value of the historgram.
Read/write property Min The minimum value of the historgram.
Read-only property PixelCount The total pixel count.
Method PutHistogramInfo Sets histogram size, resolution, and min/max range.
Method PutHistogramMinmax Sets histogram min and max range.
Method PutStats Computes stats and histogram from a given Raster.
Method QueryHistogramInfo Gets histogram size, resolutiom, and min/max range.
Method QueryHistogramMinmax Gets histogram min and max range.
Method QueryStats Computes stats and histogram from a given Raster.
Read-only property RasterHistogram The raster histogram.
Read-only property RasterStatistics The raster statistics.
Read/write property StdDev The standard deviation value of the historgram.
Method Update Updates the histogram after accumulation.
Method UpdateCovariances Final update after accumulate is finished.

IStatsHistogram3.AccumulateCovariance Method

Accumulates covariance array, numValidPixel.

Public Sub AccumulateCovariance ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer, _
    ByVal numValidPixel As Double, _
    ByVal xy As Double, _
    ByVal x As Double, _
    ByVal y As Double _
public void AccumulateCovariance (
    int iBand,
    double numValidPixel,
    double xy,
    double x,
    double y

IStatsHistogram3.Covariances Property

Array of doubles, the covariances with the n bands of the raster.

Public Property Covariances As Object
public object Covariances {get; set;}

IStatsHistogram3.InitCovariances Method

Resizes covariance array to nBands, init all elements to 0.

Public Sub InitCovariances ( _
    ByVal nBands As Integer _
public void InitCovariances (
    int nBands

IStatsHistogram3.PutHistogramInfo Method

Sets histogram size, resolution, and min/max range.

Public Sub PutHistogramInfo ( _
    ByVal Size As Integer, _
    ByVal Resolution As Double, _
    ByVal minh As Double, _
    ByVal maxh As Double _
public void PutHistogramInfo (
    int Size,
    double Resolution,
    double minh,
    double maxh

IStatsHistogram3.QueryHistogramInfo Method

Gets histogram size, resolutiom, and min/max range.

Public Sub QueryHistogramInfo ( _
    ByRef Size As Integer, _
    ByRef Resolution As Double, _
    ByRef minh As Double, _
    ByRef maxh As Double _
public void QueryHistogramInfo (
    ref int Size,
    ref double Resolution,
    ref double minh,
    ref double maxh

IStatsHistogram3.RasterHistogram Property

The raster histogram.

Public ReadOnly Property RasterHistogram As IRasterHistogram
public IRasterHistogram RasterHistogram {get;}

IStatsHistogram3.RasterStatistics Property

The raster statistics.

Public ReadOnly Property RasterStatistics As IRasterStatistics
public IRasterStatistics RasterStatistics {get;}

IStatsHistogram3.UpdateCovariances Method

Final update after accumulate is finished.

Public Sub UpdateCovariances ( _
public void UpdateCovariances (

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IStatsHistogram2 Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram.
IStatsHistogram Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram.

Classes that implement IStatsHistogram3

Classes Description
StatsHistogram A raster statistics and histogram class.

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