ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments Interface

Provides access to members that control Subset Bands function arguments.


Name Description
Read/write property Bands The band Ids, or wavelengths or band names that will be extracted in ranges or in lists.
Read/write property Method The method to extract bands from a raster by ranges of band ID, wavelength or band name, or by specifying them individually.
Read/write property MissingBandAction Indicates how the raster function behaves when a requested band is not found in the input raster.
Read/write property Raster The source raster object.

ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments.Bands Property

The band Ids, or wavelengths or band names that will be extracted in ranges or in lists.

Public Property Bands As String
public string Bands {get; set;}

ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments.Method Property

The method to extract bands from a raster by ranges of band ID, wavelength or band name, or by specifying them individually.

Public Property Method As esriExtractBandsMethod
public esriExtractBandsMethod Method {get; set;}

ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments.MissingBandAction Property

Indicates how the raster function behaves when a requested band is not found in the input raster.

Public Property MissingBandAction As esriMissingBandAction
public esriMissingBandAction MissingBandAction {get; set;}

ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments.Raster Property

The source raster object.

Public Property Raster As Object
public object Raster {get; set;}

Classes that implement ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments

Classes Description
SubsetBandsFunctionArguments The Subset Bands raster function arguments class.

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