The basemap styles service, also known as ArcGIS Basemap Styles service, is a location service hosted by Esri that provides access to vector tiles and map tiles for the world. The service provides many styles for ArcGIS and OpenStreetMap data sources such as streets, outdoor, gray canvas, navigation, and topographic. There are also image tile services available for satellite imagery, ocean, and hillshade. The basemap styles service (v2) has additional functionality such as localized place labels and additional place locations. The service provides the style JSON as a Mapbox style or a web map. Custom basemap styles can be created from the default styles by using the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor. An access token is required to use the service.
The service is available to developers who have an ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account.
The service is not available to developers who have an ArcGIS Enterprise account.
Related terms
- basemap layer
- location services