
Welcome to a flattened collection of all of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript samples. Click a sample's card to navigate to the description page that will explain how the sample works and allow you to interact with the sample in a variety of ways. Use the categories on the right to navigate to the sample of interest. There are 410 samples in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.

Latest samples

Clustered polygons

Clustered polygons

This sample demonstrates how to aggregate polygon features to clusters.

Mapping and views

Load a basic web map

Load a basic web map

Load a basic WebMap

Mapping and viewsMapView (2D)
Save a web map

Save a web map

Mapping and viewsMapView (2D)
Web scene - slides

Web scene - slides

Mapping and viewsSceneView (3D)
SceneView - hitTest

SceneView - hitTest

Mapping and viewsSceneView (3D)
Composite views

Composite views

Create an app with composite views

Mapping and viewsMultiple views
Disable view navigation

Disable view navigation

Disable all view navigation

Mapping and viewsNavigation
Disable mouse-wheel

Disable mouse-wheel

Disable mouse-wheel and single-touch navigation

Mapping and viewsNavigation
View padding

View padding

Mapping and viewsView properties
View event explorer / watch properties

View event explorer / watch properties

Event explorer / watch properties

Mapping and viewsView properties


Working with large feature collections

Working with large feature collections

What to do to keep your app interactive when working with large feature collections.

Highlight options for layer views

Highlight options for layer views

Assign highlight options for layer views

Basic querying on FeatureLayer

Basic querying on FeatureLayer

Basic Querying in FeatureLayer

Server side raster function

Server side raster function

ImageryLayer - server side raster function

LayersRaster layers
Select WMTS sublayer

Select WMTS sublayer

Select WMTSLayer sublayer

LayersOGC Layers


LayersOther tiled layers


Basic querying on FeatureLayer

Basic querying on FeatureLayer

Basic Querying in FeatureLayer

QueryLayer (server-side)
FeatureLayerView - query

FeatureLayerView - query

Query features from a FeatureLayerView

QueryLayerView (client-side)


