ArcGIS organization

An ArcGIS organization, also known as an organization, is a set of users from a company or entity that can collaborate in a portal. All users (members) must have an ArcGIS account and be approved to participate in the organization by the administrator. An organization can be private or public. It is managed by an administrator who has an ArcGIS subscription for either ArcGIS Platform or ArcGIS Online, or an ArcGIS Enterprise license. The administrator's responsibilities include managing the subscription, controlling user types and privileges within the organization, and configuring various site settings, such as implementing security policies and customizing the site layout. Each ArcGIS organization is unique, and for both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Platform, a unique identifier is assigned to the URL of each organization.

All members of an organization are assigned a specific user type. A user type determines the privileges granted to a member, including their capabilities within the portal and the software applications they can access. Currently, there are five (5) distinct user types. The number of users and user types in an organization depends on the type of product subscription and the number of users purchased by the administrator or owner. For example:

  1. ArcGIS Platform subscription: The owner of the subscription who has an ArcGIS Developer account is the only user associated with the organization.
  2. ArcGIS Online subscription: The owner of the subscription who has an ArcGIS Online account can invite the maximum number of users defined by the subscription's user limit.
  3. ArcGIS Enterprise subscription: The owner of the subscription who has an ArcGIS Enterprise account can invite the maximum number of users defined by the subscription's user limit.

Learn more about user types and roles for ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

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