IClassEx Interface

Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.


Name Description
Read-only property GlobalIDFieldName The name of the field corresponding to the global object identity.
Read-only property HasGlobalID Indicates if the class has an global object identity field.

IClassEx.GlobalIDFieldName Property

The name of the field corresponding to the global object identity.

Public ReadOnly Property GlobalIDFieldName As String
public string GlobalIDFieldName {get;}


If the class does not have a GlobalID field, an empty string will be returned.

IClassEx.HasGlobalID Property

Indicates if the class has an global object identity field.

Public ReadOnly Property HasGlobalID As Boolean
public bool HasGlobalID {get;}

Classes that implement IClassEx

Classes Description


Geodatabase classes can be cast to this interface to retrieve information about their GlobalID field.

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