IEnumHierarchyRange Interface

Provides access to a container for accessing network dataset hierarchy ranges.


Name Description
Method Next Moves the enumerator forward and returns the hierarchy range pointed by the enumerator.
Method Reset Forces the enumerator pointing before first range; a subsequent next gives the first range in the enumeration.

IEnumHierarchyRange.Next Method

Moves the enumerator forward and returns the hierarchy range pointed by the enumerator.

Public Sub Next ( _
    ByRef Index As Integer, _
    ByRef lowRange As Integer, _
    ByRef highRange As Integer _
public void Next (
    ref int Index,
    ref int lowRange,
    ref int highRange

IEnumHierarchyRange.Reset Method

Forces the enumerator pointing before first range; a subsequent next gives the first range in the enumeration.

Public Sub Reset ( _
public void Reset (

Classes that implement IEnumHierarchyRange

Classes Description

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