IRecordArray Interface


Name Description
Method Add Adds a record.
Read-only property Count The record count.
Read-only property Element Returns the record at the specified position.
Method Insert Adds a record at the specified position.
Method Remove Removes the record at the specified position.
Method RemoveAll Removes all records.

IRecordArray.Add Method

Adds a record.

Public Sub Add ( _
    ByVal rec As IRecord _
public void Add (
    IRecord rec

IRecordArray.Count Property

The record count.

Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
public int Count {get;}

IRecordArray.Element Property

Returns the record at the specified position.

Public Function get_Element ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As IRecord
public IRecord get_Element (
    int Index

IRecordArray.Insert Method

Adds a record at the specified position.

Public Sub Insert ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal rec As IRecord _
public void Insert (
    int Index,
    IRecord rec

IRecordArray.Remove Method

Removes the record at the specified position.

Public Sub Remove ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
public void Remove (
    int Index

IRecordArray.RemoveAll Method

Removes all records.

Public Sub RemoveAll ( _
public void RemoveAll (

Classes that implement IRecordArray

Classes Description
RecordArray Esri RecordArray object.

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