ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters.


Name Description
Method CanPass Indicates if the specified element meets the filter criteria.
Read/write property DataElementsOnly Indicates whether the returned elements should be inside the data area.
Read/write property RegularEdgesExcluded Indicates if regular edges should be excluded.
Read/write property Type The edge type of the filter.

ITinEdgeTypeFilter2.RegularEdgesExcluded Property

Indicates if regular edges should be excluded.

Public Property RegularEdgesExcluded As Boolean
public bool RegularEdgesExcluded {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinEdgeTypeFilter Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters.
ITinFilter Provides access to members that control TIN filtering options.

Classes that implement ITinEdgeTypeFilter2

Classes Description
TinEdgeTypeFilter The Esri TinEdgeTypeFilter component.

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