ICollectionTableVersionChanges Interface

Provides access to members to modify the list of tables that have been changed.


Name Description
Method Add Tables whose version has been changed.
Read-only property Count Count of tables whose version has been changed.
Method Next Retrieves the next table and array of connections whose version has been changed.
Method RemoveAll Remove all stored tables.
Method SetConnectionArray Arrays of connections that have been changed

ICollectionTableVersionChanges.Add Method

Tables whose version has been changed.

Public Sub Add ( _
    ByVal oldTable As ITable, _
    ByVal newTable As ITable _
public void Add (
    ITable oldTable,
    ITable newTable

ICollectionTableVersionChanges.Count Property

Count of tables whose version has been changed.

Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
public int Count {get;}

ICollectionTableVersionChanges.Next Method

Retrieves the next table and array of connections whose version has been changed.

Public Sub Next ( _
    ByRef oldTable As ITable, _
    ByRef newTable As ITable, _
    ByRef pConnections As Object _
public void Next (
    ref ITable oldTable,
    ref ITable newTable,
    ref object pConnections

ICollectionTableVersionChanges.RemoveAll Method

Remove all stored tables.

Public Sub RemoveAll ( _
public void RemoveAll (

ICollectionTableVersionChanges.SetConnectionArray Method

Arrays of connections that have been changed

Public Sub SetConnectionArray ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal pConnectionArray As Object _
public void SetConnectionArray (
    int Index,
    object pConnectionArray

Classes that implement ICollectionTableVersionChanges

Classes Description
EnumTableVersionChanges Esri EnumTableVersionChanges object.

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