IWorkspaceEditInfo Interface

Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing Information.


Name Description
Read-only property CanEdit Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to discard edits on save.
Read-only property CanRedo Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to redo undone operations.
Read-only property CanUndo Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to undo individual edit operations.

IWorkspaceEditInfo.CanEdit Property

Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to discard edits on save.

Public ReadOnly Property CanEdit As Boolean
public bool CanEdit {get;}

IWorkspaceEditInfo.CanRedo Property

Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to redo undone operations.

Public ReadOnly Property CanRedo As Boolean
public bool CanRedo {get;}

IWorkspaceEditInfo.CanUndo Property

Indicates if the workspace supports edit sessions with the ability to undo individual edit operations.

Public ReadOnly Property CanUndo As Boolean
public bool CanUndo {get;}

Classes that implement IWorkspaceEditInfo

Classes Description

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