IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory Interface

Provides access to members that manage remote database connection information.


Name Description
Method DeleteConnectionFile Deletes the remote database workspace connection file.
Method EditConnectionFile Edits the properties of a remote database workspace connection file.
Method RenameConnectionFile Renames the remote database workspace connection file.

IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory.DeleteConnectionFile Method

Deletes the remote database workspace connection file.

Public Sub DeleteConnectionFile ( _
    ByVal PathName As String _
public void DeleteConnectionFile (
    string PathName

IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory.EditConnectionFile Method

Edits the properties of a remote database workspace connection file.

Public Function EditConnectionFile ( _
    ByVal PathName As String, _
    ByVal hWnd As Integer _
) As IWorkspaceName
public IWorkspaceName EditConnectionFile (
    string PathName,
    int hWnd

IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory.RenameConnectionFile Method

Renames the remote database workspace connection file.

Public Function RenameConnectionFile ( _
    ByVal oldPathName As String, _
    ByVal newName As String _
) As IWorkspaceName
public IWorkspaceName RenameConnectionFile (
    string oldPathName,
    string newName


The oldPathName is the path and connection file name. the newName is the new file name without a path. An error is returned if newName has a fully qualified path.

Classes that implement IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory

Classes Description
SdeWorkspaceFactory (esriDataSourcesGDB) Esri SDE Workspace Factory.
SqlWorkspaceFactory (esriDataSourcesGDB) Sql workspace factory


The IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactoryis an optional interface supported by remote database workspaces that contains additional methods for connection file management.

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