IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer Interface

Network diagram container enumerator.


Name Description
Method Next Returns attributes related to the next diagram container in the enumerator.

IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer.Next Method

Returns attributes related to the next diagram container in the enumerator.

Public Sub Next ( _
    ByRef DEID As Integer, _
    ByRef containerDEID As Integer, _
    ByRef featureID As Int64&, _
    ByRef GlobalID As Guid&, _
    ByRef associatedGlobalID As Guid&, _
    ByRef associatedSourceID As Integer, _
    ByRef ppGeometry As IGeometry _
public void Next (
    ref int DEID,
    ref int containerDEID,
    ref Int64& featureID,
    ref Guid& GlobalID,
    ref Guid& associatedGlobalID,
    ref int associatedSourceID,
    ref IGeometry ppGeometry

Classes that implement IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer

Classes Description

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