IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics Interface

Provides access to members that supply utility network query statistics information.


Name Description
Read-only property MaxEdgeCount Returns the max edge count.
Read-only property MaxEID Highest element ID in the utility network for the given element type.
Read-only property MaxJunctionCount Returns the max junction count.

IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics.MaxEdgeCount Property

Returns the max edge count.

Public Sub MaxEdgeCount ( _
    ByRef MaxEdgeCount As Int64& _
public void MaxEdgeCount (
    ref Int64& MaxEdgeCount

IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics.MaxEID Property

Highest element ID in the utility network for the given element type.

Public Function get_MaxEID ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType _
) As Long
public long get_MaxEID (
    esriElementType ElementType

IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics.MaxJunctionCount Property

Returns the max junction count.

Public Sub MaxJunctionCount ( _
    ByRef MaxJunctionCount As Int64& _
public void MaxJunctionCount (
    ref Int64& MaxJunctionCount

Classes that implement IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics

Classes Description

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