IRelClassSchemaEdit Interface

Provides access to members that modify a relationship class's properties.


This interface can be used to modify a relationship class after it's been created.


Name Description
Method AlterBackwardPathLabel Changes the backward path label for this relationship class.
Method AlterForwardPathLabel Changes the forward path label for this relationship class.
Method AlterIsComposite Changes the type of this relationship class.

IRelClassSchemaEdit.AlterBackwardPathLabel Method

Changes the backward path label for this relationship class.

Public Sub AlterBackwardPathLabel ( _
    ByVal BackwardLabel As String _
public void AlterBackwardPathLabel (
    string BackwardLabel

IRelClassSchemaEdit.AlterForwardPathLabel Method

Changes the forward path label for this relationship class.

Public Sub AlterForwardPathLabel ( _
    ByVal ForwardLabel As String _
public void AlterForwardPathLabel (
    string ForwardLabel

IRelClassSchemaEdit.AlterIsComposite Method

Changes the type of this relationship class.

Public Sub AlterIsComposite ( _
    ByVal IsComposite As Boolean _
public void AlterIsComposite (
    bool IsComposite

Classes that implement IRelClassSchemaEdit

Classes Description
AttributedRelationshipClass Esri Attributed Relationship Class object.
RelationshipClass Esri Relationship Class object.

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