IIndex Interface

Provides access to members that return information about the index.


Name Description
Read-only property Fields The fields collection for this index.
Read-only property IsAscending Indicates if the index is based on ascending order.
Read-only property IsUnique Indicates if the index is unique.
Read-only property Name The name of the index.

IIndex.Fields Property

The fields collection for this index.

Public ReadOnly Property Fields As IFields
public IFields Fields {get;}

IIndex.IsAscending Property

Indicates if the index is based on ascending order.

Public ReadOnly Property IsAscending As Boolean
public bool IsAscending {get;}

IIndex.IsUnique Property

Indicates if the index is unique.

Public ReadOnly Property IsUnique As Boolean
public bool IsUnique {get;}


If IsUnique is true, the field the Index was created for must not have duplicate values.

IIndex.Name Property

The name of the index.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

Classes that implement IIndex

Classes Description
FullTextIndexDefinition Esri FullTextIndex Definition object.
Index Esri Index object.
XMLIndex XML Index Object.


The IIndex interface is used for read-only access to the properties of an index.

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