ITableSortValueCallBack Interface

Provides access to members that compare field values for a table sort operation.


Name Description
Method GetValue Return field value
Method GetValueType Return field value type and size.

ITableSortValueCallBack.GetValue Method

Return field value

Public Sub GetValue ( _
    ByVal Value As Object, _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer, _
    ByRef buff As Byte& _
public void GetValue (
    object Value,
    int FieldIndex,
    ref Byte& buff

ITableSortValueCallBack.GetValueType Method

Return field value type and size.

Public Sub GetValueType ( _
    ByVal pField As IField, _
    ByRef valueType As Integer, _
    ByRef Size As Integer _
public void GetValueType (
    IField pField,
    ref int valueType,
    ref uint Size

Classes that implement ITableSortValueCallBack

Classes Description

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