IContingentValueEdit Interface

Provides access to members that edit a contingent value.


Name Description
Method AllowAnyDomainValue This contingency allows any values from the field domain.
Read-only property CodedValue The coded value of a coded value contingency.
Write-only property CodedValue This contingency limits the field value to a value from a coded value domain.
Read-only property Count Count of contingent values
Read-only property FieldGroup The group of fields the contingent value applies to.
Method GetRange The range of a range contingency.
Read-only property ID The unique ID of the contingent value.
Write-only property ID The unique ID of the contingent value.
Method Initialize Initialize the contingent value for its field group. Must call first.
Read-only property IsRetired Is this contingency retired?
Write-only property IsRetired Is this contingency retired?
Method PutRange This contingency limits the field value to a sub-range of a range domain.
Method RenameFieldGroup Renames the underlying Field Group. It does not do any initialization
Method RequireNull This contingency requires that the field value be null.
Write-only property SubType The subtype the contingent value applies to (if on a subtype class).
Read-only property SubType The subtype the contingent value applies to (if on a subtype class).
Read-only property Type The type of contingency.

IContingentValueEdit.AllowAnyDomainValue Method

This contingency allows any values from the field domain.

Public Sub AllowAnyDomainValue ( _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer _
public void AllowAnyDomainValue (
    int FieldIndex

IContingentValueEdit.CodedValue Property

This contingency limits the field value to a value from a coded value domain.

Public Sub set_CodedValue ( _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer, _
    ByVal A_2 As Object _
public void set_CodedValue (
    int FieldIndex,
    object A_2

IContingentValueEdit.CodedValue Property

This contingency limits the field value to a value from a coded value domain.

Public Sub set_CodedValue ( _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer, _
    ByVal A_2 As Object _
public void set_CodedValue (
    int FieldIndex,
    object A_2

IContingentValueEdit.ID Property

The unique ID of the contingent value.

Public WriteOnly Property ID_2
public void ID_2 {set;}

IContingentValueEdit.ID Property

The unique ID of the contingent value.

Public WriteOnly Property ID_2
public void ID_2 {set;}

IContingentValueEdit.Initialize Method

Initialize the contingent value for its field group. Must call first.

Public Sub Initialize ( _
    ByVal FieldGroup As IFieldGroup _
public void Initialize (
    IFieldGroup FieldGroup

IContingentValueEdit.IsRetired Property

Is this contingency retired?.

Public WriteOnly Property IsRetired_2
public void IsRetired_2 {set;}

IContingentValueEdit.IsRetired Property

Is this contingency retired?.

Public WriteOnly Property IsRetired_2
public void IsRetired_2 {set;}

IContingentValueEdit.PutRange Method

This contingency limits the field value to a sub-range of a range domain.

Public Sub PutRange ( _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer, _
    ByVal MinValue As Double, _
    ByVal MaxValue As Double _
public void PutRange (
    int FieldIndex,
    double MinValue,
    double MaxValue

IContingentValueEdit.RenameFieldGroup Method

Renames the underlying Field Group. It does not do any initialization

Public Sub RenameFieldGroup ( _
    ByVal fieldGroupName As String _
public void RenameFieldGroup (
    string fieldGroupName

IContingentValueEdit.RequireNull Method

This contingency requires that the field value be null.

Public Sub RequireNull ( _
    ByVal FieldIndex As Integer _
public void RequireNull (
    int FieldIndex

IContingentValueEdit.SubType Property

The subtype the contingent value applies to (if on a subtype class).

Public WriteOnly Property SubType_2
public void SubType_2 {set;}

IContingentValueEdit.SubType Property

The subtype the contingent value applies to (if on a subtype class).

Public WriteOnly Property SubType_2
public void SubType_2 {set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IContingentValue Provides access to members that describe a contingent value.

Classes that implement IContingentValueEdit

Classes Description

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