IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout Interface

Provides access to members that control the Partial Overlapping Edges layout.


Name Description
Read/write property BufferWidth Indicates the width of the buffer zone inside which the layout process searches for collinear diagram edge segments.
Read/write property IsActive Indicates whether the network diagram layout is active.
Read-only property Name The name of the network diagram layout.
Read/write property Offset Indicates the distance that separates the detected diagram edge segments.
Read/write property OptimizeEdges Indicates whether the relative left or right positions between edges is kept as much as possible.
Read/write property PreserveContainers Indicates whether the network diagram layout must preserve the containers.
Read-only property PropertySet The network diagram layout parameters returned as a property set

IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout.BufferWidth Property

Indicates the width of the buffer zone inside which the layout process searches for collinear diagram edge segments.

Public Property BufferWidth As Double
public double BufferWidth {get; set;}

IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout.Offset Property

Indicates the distance that separates the detected diagram edge segments.

Public Property Offset As Double
public double Offset {get; set;}

IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout.OptimizeEdges Property

Indicates whether the relative left or right positions between edges is kept as much as possible.

Public Property OptimizeEdges As Boolean
public bool OptimizeEdges {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INetworkDiagramLayout Provides access to members that control the network diagram layout.

Classes that implement IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout

Classes Description

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