Filter 3D scene features out of a given geometry with a polygon filter.
Use case
You can directly control what users see within a specific scene view to give a more focused or cleaner user experience by using a SceneLayerPolygonFilter
to selectively show or hide scene features within a given area.
How to use the sample
The sample initializes showing the 3D buildings OpenStreetMap layer. Click the "Load detailed buildings" button to load an additional scene layer that contains more detailed buildings. Notice how the two scene layers overlap and clip into each other. Click the "Filter OSM buildings in extent" button, to set a SceneLayerPolygonFilter
and filter out the OpenStreetMap buildings within the extent of the detailed buildings scene. Notice how the OSM buildings within and intersecting the extent of the detailed buildings layer are hidden. Click the "Reset scene" button to hide the detailed buildings scene layer and clear the OSM buildings filter.
How it works
- Construct a
for the scene using a topographicArcGISVectorTileLayer
and the OpenStreetMap 3D BuildingsArcGISSceneLayer
as baselayers. - Create a
for the scene and set the World Elevation 3D as an elevation source. - Add the 3D San Francisco Buildings
to the scene's operational layers. - Construct a
with the extent of the San Francisco Buildings Scene Layer and theSceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Disjoint
enum to hide all features within the extent. - Set the
on the OSM Buildings layer to hide all OSM buildings within the extent of the San Francisco Buildings layer.
Relevant API
- ArcGISSceneLayer
- SceneLayerPolygonFilter
- SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship
About the data
This sample uses the OpenStreetMap 3D Buildings which provides generic 3D outlines of buildings throughout the world. It is based on the OSM Daylight map distribution and is hosted by Esri. It uses the San Francisco 3D Buildings scene layer which provides detailed 3D models of buildings in San Francisco, California, USA.
Additional information
This sample uses SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Disjoint
to hide all features within the extent of the given geometry. You can alternatively use SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Contains
to only show features within the extent of the geometry.
You can also show or hide features in a scene layer using ArcGISSceneLayer::setFeatureVisible
or setFeaturesVisible
and pass in a feature or list of features and a boolean value to set their visibility.
3D, buildings, disjoint, exclude, extent, filter, hide, OSM, polygon
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=FilterFeaturesInScene, Category=Scenes]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2023 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
#ifdef PCH_BUILD
#include "pch.hpp"
#endif // PCH_BUILD
#include "FilterFeaturesInScene.h"
#include "ArcGISSceneLayer.h"
#include "ArcGISTiledElevationSource.h"
#include "ArcGISVectorTiledLayer.h"
#include "Basemap.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "ElevationSourceListModel.h"
#include "Envelope.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Graphic.h"
#include "GraphicListModel.h"
#include "GraphicsOverlay.h"
#include "GraphicsOverlayListModel.h"
#include "LayerListModel.h"
#include "MapTypes.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "Polygon.h"
#include "PolygonBuilder.h"
#include "PortalItem.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "SceneLayerPolygonFilter.h"
#include "SceneQuickView.h"
#include "SimpleFillSymbol.h"
#include "SimpleLineSymbol.h"
#include "SpatialReference.h"
#include "Surface.h"
#include "SymbolTypes.h"
#include <QFuture>
using namespace Esri::ArcGISRuntime;
FilterFeaturesInScene::FilterFeaturesInScene(QObject* parent /* = nullptr */):
// Construct and set the basemap
ArcGISVectorTiledLayer* vectorTileLayer = new ArcGISVectorTiledLayer(new PortalItem("1e7d1784d1ef4b79ba6764d0bd6c3150", this), this);
m_osmBuildings = new ArcGISSceneLayer(new PortalItem("ca0470dbbddb4db28bad74ed39949e25", this), this);
Basemap* basemap = new Basemap(this);
m_scene = new Scene(basemap, this);
// Construct and set the scene topography
Surface* surface = new Surface(this);
surface->elevationSources()->append(new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(QUrl(""), this));
// Construct the detailed buildings scene layer
m_detailedBuildingsSceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(QUrl(""), this);
connect(m_detailedBuildingsSceneLayer, &ArcGISSceneLayer::doneLoading, this, [this](const Error& error)
if (!error.isEmpty())
qWarning() << "San Francisco Buildings Layer failed to load." << error.message() << error.additionalMessage();
// Construct a red polygon that shows the extent of the detailed buildings scene layer
const Envelope sfExtent = m_detailedBuildingsSceneLayer->fullExtent();
PolygonBuilder* builder = new PolygonBuilder(m_sceneView->spatialReference(), this);
builder->addPoint(sfExtent.xMin(), sfExtent.yMin());
builder->addPoint(sfExtent.xMax(), sfExtent.yMin());
builder->addPoint(sfExtent.xMax(), sfExtent.yMax());
builder->addPoint(sfExtent.xMin(), sfExtent.yMax());
m_sceneLayerExtentPolygon = builder->toPolygon();
// Create the SceneLayerPolygonFilter to later apply to the OSM buildings layer
m_sceneLayerPolygonFilter = new SceneLayerPolygonFilter(
QList<Polygon>{m_sceneLayerExtentPolygon}, // polygons to filter by
SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship::Disjoint, // hide all features within the polygons
// Create the extent graphic so we can add it later with the detailed buildings scene layer
SimpleFillSymbol* sfs = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Solid, QColor(Qt::transparent), new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle::Solid, QColor(Qt::red), 5.0f, this), this);
m_sanFranciscoExtentGraphic = new Graphic(m_sceneLayerExtentPolygon, sfs, this);
FilterFeaturesInScene::~FilterFeaturesInScene() = default;
void FilterFeaturesInScene::init()
// Register the scene view for QML
qmlRegisterType<SceneQuickView>("Esri.Samples", 1, 0, "SceneView");
qmlRegisterType<FilterFeaturesInScene>("Esri.Samples", 1, 0, "FilterFeaturesInSceneSample");
void FilterFeaturesInScene::loadScene()
// Show the detailed buildings scene layer and the extent graphic
void FilterFeaturesInScene::filterScene()
// Hide buildings within the detailed building extent so they don't clip
// Initially, the building layer does not have a polygon filter, set it
if (!m_osmBuildings->polygonFilter())
// After the scene is reset, the layer will have a polygon filter, but that filter will not have polygons set
// Add the polygon back to the polygon filter
void FilterFeaturesInScene::reset()
// Remove the detailed buildings layer from the scene
// Set the OSM buildings polygon filter to an empty list of polygons to clear the filter
// Clear the graphics list in the graphics overlay to remove the red extent boundary graphic
SceneQuickView* FilterFeaturesInScene::sceneView() const
return m_sceneView;
// Set the view (created in QML)
void FilterFeaturesInScene::setSceneView(SceneQuickView* sceneView)
if (!sceneView || sceneView == m_sceneView)
m_sceneView = sceneView;
// Set the viewpoint to San Francisco
m_sceneView->setViewpointCameraAsync(Camera(Point(-122.421, 37.7041, 207), 60, 70, 0));
// Add a graphics overlay to display the extent graphic
m_sceneView->graphicsOverlays()->append(new GraphicsOverlay(this));
emit sceneViewChanged();