Format coordinates in a variety of common notations.
Use case
The coordinate formatter can format a map location in WGS84 in a number of common coordinate notations. Parsing one of these formats to a location is also supported. Formats include decimal degrees; degrees, minutes, seconds; Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and United States National Grid (USNG).
How to use the sample
Click on the map to see a callout with the clicked location's coordinate formatted in 4 different ways. You can also put a coordinate string in any of these formats in the text field. Hit Enter and the coordinate string will be parsed to a map location which the callout will move to.
How it works
- Get or create a map
with a spatial reference. - Use one of the static "to" methods on
such asCoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(point, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DecimalDegrees, 4)
to get the formatted string. - To go from a formatted string to a
, use one of the "from" static methods likeCoordinateFormatter::fromUtm(coordinateString, map.spatialReference(), UtmConversionMode::LatitudeBandIndicators)
Relevant API
- CoordinateFormatter
- LatitudeLongitudeFormat
- UtmConversionMode
convert, coordinate, decimal degrees, degree minutes seconds, format, latitude, longitude, USNG, UTM
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=FormatCoordinates, Category=Geometry]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2017 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
#ifdef PCH_BUILD
#include "pch.hpp"
#endif // PCH_BUILD
// sample headers
#include "FormatCoordinates.h"
// ArcGIS Maps SDK headers
#include "CoordinateFormatter.h"
#include "Graphic.h"
#include "GraphicListModel.h"
#include "GraphicsOverlay.h"
#include "GraphicsOverlayListModel.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "MapQuickView.h"
#include "MapTypes.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "SimpleMarkerSymbol.h"
#include "SpatialReference.h"
#include "SymbolTypes.h"
using namespace Esri::ArcGISRuntime;
// Initial point marker 'X' symbol appears.
const Point startPoint(-117.195723, 34.056195, SpatialReference::wgs84());
FormatCoordinates::FormatCoordinates(QObject* parent) :
m_map(new Map(BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard, this)),
m_graphicsOverlay(new GraphicsOverlay(this))
// create a graphic
SimpleMarkerSymbol* symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::X, QColor(Qt::red), 15.0, this);
Graphic* graphic = new Graphic(startPoint, symbol, this);
// and add insert the graphic
FormatCoordinates::~FormatCoordinates() = default;
void FormatCoordinates::init()
qmlRegisterType<MapQuickView>("Esri.Samples", 1, 0, "MapView");
qmlRegisterType<FormatCoordinates>("Esri.Samples", 1, 0, "FormatCoordinatesSample");
// handle case where the user changed one of the text fields
void FormatCoordinates::handleTextUpdate(QString textType, QString text)
Point point = createPointFromText(textType, text);
// handle case where user clicked on the map
void FormatCoordinates::handleLocationUpdate(Point point)
if (!point.isEmpty())
Point FormatCoordinates::createPointFromText(const QString& textType, const QString& text) const
//! [FormatCoordinates CoordinateFormatter various text to point]
if (strDecimalDegrees() == textType
|| strDegreesMinutesSeconds() == textType) {
return CoordinateFormatter::fromLatitudeLongitude(text, m_map->spatialReference());
if (strUsng() == textType) {
return CoordinateFormatter::fromUsng(text, m_map->spatialReference());
if (strUtm() == textType) {
return CoordinateFormatter::fromUtm(text, m_map->spatialReference(), UtmConversionMode::LatitudeBandIndicators);
return Point();
//! [FormatCoordinates CoordinateFormatter various text to point]
void FormatCoordinates::setTextFromPoint(Point point)
// last parm = decimal places
m_coordinatesInDD = CoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(point, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DecimalDegrees, 6);
// last parm = decimal places
m_coordinatesInDMS = CoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(point, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DegreesMinutesSeconds, 1);
//! [FormatCoordinates CoordinateFormatter point to USNG]
int decimalPlaces = 5;
bool addSpaces = true;
m_coordinatesInUsng = CoordinateFormatter::toUsng(point, decimalPlaces, addSpaces);
//! [FormatCoordinates CoordinateFormatter point to USNG]
// last parm = add spaces
m_coordinatesInUtm = CoordinateFormatter::toUtm(point, UtmConversionMode::LatitudeBandIndicators, true);
emit coordinatesChanged();
QString FormatCoordinates::coordinatesInDD() const
return m_coordinatesInDD;
QString FormatCoordinates::coordinatesInDMS() const
return m_coordinatesInDMS;
QString FormatCoordinates::coordinatesInUsng() const
return m_coordinatesInUsng;
QString FormatCoordinates::coordinatesInUtm() const
return m_coordinatesInUtm;
QString FormatCoordinates::strDecimalDegrees() const
return tr("Degrees");
QString FormatCoordinates::strDegreesMinutesSeconds() const
return tr("DMS");
QString FormatCoordinates::strUsng() const
return tr("Usng");
QString FormatCoordinates::strUtm() const
return tr("Utm");
void FormatCoordinates::setMapView(MapQuickView* mapView)
if (m_mapView)
m_mapView->setMap(nullptr); // Remove map from old mapView.
m_mapView->graphicsOverlays()->clear(); // Remove Graphics overlays from old mapView.
m_mapView = mapView;
if (!m_mapView)
// set map and graphics overlay on the map view
// connect to the mouse clicked signal on the MapQuickView
connect(m_mapView, &MapQuickView::mouseClicked, this, [this](QMouseEvent& mouseEvent)
// get the point from the mouse point
Point mapPoint = m_mapView->screenToLocation(mouseEvent.position().x(), mouseEvent.position().y());
// using the point, refresh the graphic and the text