IArchiveRegistrationInfo Interface

The properties used to register a dataset for archiving and for describing an already registered object.


The EnableArchiving method takes a set of ArchiveRegistrationInfo objects. The IArchiveRegistrationInfo interface can be leveraged to define the archive registration configuration. The interface contains four read/write properties which define the customization. The DatasetName property refers to the name of the dataset this registration info object applies to. The ArchiveTableName property specifies the name of the archive table that will be created by the registration process. The FromFieldName and ToFieldName properties specify the historical schema for the archive table.


Name Description
Read/write property ArchiveTableName The name of the archive table.
Read/write property DatasetName The name of the dataset this registration information applies to.
Read/write property FromFieldName The name of the FROM field.
Read/write property OIDFieldName The name of the archive object id field.
Read-only property SeedTimeStamp The initial timestamp when archiving was enabled.
Read/write property ToFieldName The name of the TO field.

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.ArchiveTableName Property

The name of the archive table.

Public Property ArchiveTableName As String
public string ArchiveTableName {get; set;}


The ArchiveTableName property is used to specify a table's name for the archive table that is created when a dataset is registered for archiving. If no name is specified through the ArchiveTableName property the name will default to the object name appended with an "_H", for example "PARCELS_H".

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.DatasetName Property

The name of the dataset this registration information applies to.

Public Property DatasetName As String
public string DatasetName {get; set;}


The DatasetName property refers to the name of the dataset the registration info object applies to. This property is used as an identifier when the dataset is registered for archiving.

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.FromFieldName Property

The name of the FROM field.

Public Property FromFieldName As String
public string FromFieldName {get; set;}


The FromFieldName property is used to specify the field name for the from date field in the archive table. If no user defined name is specified the field name will default to "GDB_FROM_DATE".

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.OIDFieldName Property

The name of the archive object id field.

Public Property OIDFieldName As String
public string OIDFieldName {get; set;}


The OIDFieldNameproperty is used to specify the field name for the archive object identifier field which is a unique field that is maintained in the archive table. If no user defined name is specified the field name will default to "GDB_ARCHIVE_OID".

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.SeedTimeStamp Property

The initial timestamp when archiving was enabled.

Public ReadOnly Property SeedTimeStamp As Object
public object SeedTimeStamp {get;}

IArchiveRegistrationInfo.ToFieldName Property

The name of the TO field.

Public Property ToFieldName As String
public string ToFieldName {get; set;}


The ToFieldNameproperty is used to specify the field name for the to date field in the archive table. If no user defined name is specified the field name will default to "GDB_TO_DATE".

Classes that implement IArchiveRegistrationInfo

Classes Description


It is important to note that unless there is an entry in the set for each archive object a default schema setup will be used during the time of registration.

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