IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents Interface

Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate and confirms that the event be sent.


The IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEventsis****an optional interface for class extensions used to confirm the reception of notifications from related objects.

When To Use

This interface can be implemented by a class extension to filter the notifications from a related class.

When an object that participates in a relationship is modified, moved, or rotated (alone or in a set), its related objects and their classes will be notified if relationship notification is set in that direction. Typically, related objects and classes are only interested in certain changes on an object. The methods of this interface allow an object class extension to prevent or confirm that notifications should be handled.


Name Description
Method ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChanged Notifies this object that a related object changed and asks if events should be sent.
Method ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved Notifies this object that a related object moved and asks if events should be sent.
Method ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated Notifies this object that a related object rotated and asks if events should be sent.
Method ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved Notifies this object that a set of objects with relationships to the input set of objects moved and asks if events should be sent.
Method ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated Notifies this object that a set of objects with relationships to the input set of objects rotated and asks if events should be sent.

IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents.ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChanged Method

Notifies this object that a related object changed and asks if events should be sent.

Public Function ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChanged ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal objectThatChanged As IObject _
) As Boolean
public bool ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChanged (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    IObject objectThatChanged

IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents.ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved Method

Notifies this object that a related object moved and asks if events should be sent.

Public Function ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal objectThatChanged As IObject, _
    ByVal moveVector As ILine _
) As Boolean
public bool ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    IObject objectThatChanged,
    ILine moveVector

IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents.ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated Method

Notifies this object that a related object rotated and asks if events should be sent.

Public Function ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal objectThatChanged As IObject, _
    ByVal Origin As IPoint, _
    ByVal Angle As Double _
) As Boolean
public bool ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    IObject objectThatChanged,
    IPoint Origin,
    double Angle

IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents.ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved Method

Notifies this object that a set of objects with relationships to the input set of objects moved and asks if events should be sent.

Public Function ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal objectsThatChanged As ISet, _
    ByVal moveVector As ILine _
) As Boolean
public bool ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    ISet objectsThatChanged,
    ILine moveVector

IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents.ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated Method

Notifies this object that a set of objects with relationships to the input set of objects rotated and asks if events should be sent.

Public Function ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal objectsThatChanged As ISet, _
    ByVal Origin As IPoint, _
    ByVal Angle As Double _
) As Boolean
public bool ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    ISet objectsThatChanged,
    IPoint Origin,
    double Angle

Classes that implement IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents

Classes Description


Each property on IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEventscorresponds to a method on IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 and IRelatedObjectEvents(for example, ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChangedcorresponds to RelatedObjectChanged on both interfaces).

The decision to confirm the sending of messages could be based on criteria such as a particular field having been changed. An object can be analyzed for which fields have been modified by accessing the IRowChangesinterface or the IFeatureChanges interface for shape information. By eliminating unnecessary calls to IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 and IRelatedObjectEvents, editing performance can be optimized.

ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved and ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated are currently reserved, and should not define any functionality. ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved and ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated will be always be called, even if the sets only contain a single object.

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