IDENetworkDataset Interface

Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements.


Name Description
Read/write property Attributes Array of network attributes in this network dataset.
Read/write property Buildable Indicates if this network dataset is buildable.
Read/write property ConfigurationKeyword The database configuration keyword for the network dataset.
Read/write property DefaultTravelModeName Name of default network travel mode for this network dataset.
Read/write property Directions The directions settings for the network dataset.
Read/write property ElevationModel The type of the network elevation model.
Read/write property HierarchyClusterAttribute The network attribute that is used to optimize network building for hierarchical traversal.
Read/write property HierarchyLevelCount The number of hierarchy levels in the network dataset.
Read/write property MaxValueForHierarchy The maximum value for the specified hierarchy level in the network dataset.
Read/write property NetworkType The type of the network dataset.
Read/write property Properties Property set of this network dataset.
Read/write property Sources Array of network sources in this network dataset.
Read/write property SupportsTurns Indicates if this network dataset supports network turn elements.
Read/write property TimeZoneAttributeName Name of the time zone attribute.
Read/write property TimeZoneTableName Name of the time zone table.
Read/write property TrafficData Traffic data.
Read/write property TransitData The transit settings for the network dataset.
Read/write property TravelModes Array of network travel modes in this network dataset.
Read/write property UserData User specified property set of this network dataset.

IDENetworkDataset.Attributes Property

Array of network attributes in this network dataset.

Public Property Attributes As IArray
public IArray Attributes {get; set;}


The Attributes property is used to set or get the collection of attributes associated with a network dataset. The Attributes property requires an IArray object which can be used to add, remove or iterate over the attributes.

IDENetworkDataset.Buildable Property

Indicates if this network dataset is buildable.

Public Property Buildable As Boolean
public bool Buildable {get; set;}


The Buildable property indicates whether the network dataset can be built with the INetworkBuild.BuildNetwork method. If not set on the data element, the Buildable property will default to True.

IDENetworkDataset.ConfigurationKeyword Property

The database configuration keyword for the network dataset.

Public Property ConfigurationKeyword As String
public string ConfigurationKeyword {get; set;}


If the network dataset has been created in a File or ArcSDE geodatabase, then you may specify a configuration keyword for building your network dataset. A configuration keyword is used to specify storage and location parameters for optimal space and disk location efficiency.

The configurationKeywords for an ArcSDE instance are set up by the ArcSDE data administrator, the list of available keywords supported by a workspace may be obtained using the IWorkspaceConfiguration interface. For more information on configuration keywords, refer to the ArcSDE documentation.

IDENetworkDataset.DefaultTravelModeName Property

Name of default network travel mode for this network dataset.

Public Property DefaultTravelModeName As String
public string DefaultTravelModeName {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.Directions Property

The directions settings for the network dataset.

Public Property Directions As INetworkDirections
public INetworkDirections Directions {get; set;}


The Directions property is used to specify or return the Directions for the network dataset. The network dataset must have certain parameters in order to specify directions:

  • There must be at least one edge source
  • There must be a length attribute such with units such as Meters
  • At least one edge source must have a text field. This is for the Primary Name property

IDENetworkDataset.ElevationModel Property

The type of the network elevation model.

Public Property ElevationModel As esriNetworkElevationModel
public esriNetworkElevationModel ElevationModel {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.HierarchyClusterAttribute Property

The network attribute that is used to optimize network building for hierarchical traversal.

Public Property HierarchyClusterAttribute As INetworkAttribute
public INetworkAttribute HierarchyClusterAttribute {get; set;}


The HierarchyClusterAttribute property is used to specify or return the attribute that will be used for specifying Hierarchy. The attribute must be of type esriNAUTHierarchy.

IDENetworkDataset.HierarchyLevelCount Property

The number of hierarchy levels in the network dataset.

Public Property HierarchyLevelCount As Integer
public int HierarchyLevelCount {get; set;}


The HierarchyLevelCount property is used to return the levels supported by the hierarchy attribute. By default this value is 3, since only 3 levels of hierarchy are supported on the network dataset.

IDENetworkDataset.MaxValueForHierarchy Property

The maximum value for the specified hierarchy level in the network dataset.

Public Function get_MaxValueForHierarchy ( _
    ByVal Level As Integer _
) As Integer
Public Sub set_MaxValueForHierarchy ( _
    ByVal Level As Integer, _
    ByVal Value As Integer _
public int get_MaxValueForHierarchy (
    int Level
public void set_MaxValueForHierarchy (
    int Level,
    int Value


The MaxValueForHierarchy property is used to return the maximum value for each level of hierarchy for a network dataset. Since the network dataset only supports 3 levels of hierarchy, data that has more than 3 levels must have their hierarchy levels mapped to one of the three levels.

Unless explicitly specified, Shapefile and Geodatabase network datasets will return a value of 1, 2 and 2147483647 for hierarchy levels of one, two and three.

IDENetworkDataset.NetworkType Property

The type of the network dataset.

Public Property NetworkType As esriNetworkDatasetType
public esriNetworkDatasetType NetworkType {get; set;}


The NetworkType property returns the type of network dataset.

IDENetworkDataset.Properties Property

Property set of this network dataset.

Public Property Properties As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet Properties {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.Sources Property

Array of network sources in this network dataset.

Public Property Sources As IArray
public IArray Sources {get; set;}


The Sources property is used to set or get the collection of sources associated with a network dataset. The Sources property requires an IArray object which can be used to add, remove or iterate over the attributes. Every network dataset has a system junction source; this source is added to the network dataset once the UpdateSchema method is called with the supplied data element. The system junction source is created once the first source is added to the network.

IDENetworkDataset.SupportsTurns Property

Indicates if this network dataset supports network turn elements.

Public Property SupportsTurns As Boolean
public bool SupportsTurns {get; set;}


The SupportsTurns property indicates whether the network dataset can support turns. Once created, the turn support property of a network dataset cannot be changed. Specifying that a network dataset can support turns will allow Turn sources to be added to the network and also allow Turn evaluators to be added to the network dataset. This will allow evaluators such as "All left hand turns will take 15 seconds" to be specified.

If not set on the data element, the SupportsTurns property will default to True for shapefile and geodatabase networks.

IDENetworkDataset.TimeZoneAttributeName Property

Name of the time zone attribute.

Public Property TimeZoneAttributeName As String
public string TimeZoneAttributeName {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.TimeZoneTableName Property

Name of the time zone table.

Public Property TimeZoneTableName As String
public string TimeZoneTableName {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.TrafficData Property

Traffic data.

Public Property TrafficData As ITrafficData
public ITrafficData TrafficData {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.TransitData Property

The transit settings for the network dataset.

Public Property TransitData As ITransitData
public ITransitData TransitData {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.TravelModes Property

Array of network travel modes in this network dataset.

Public Property TravelModes As IArray
public IArray TravelModes {get; set;}

IDENetworkDataset.UserData Property

User specified property set of this network dataset.

Public Property UserData As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet UserData {get; set;}

Classes that implement IDENetworkDataset

Classes Description
DENetworkDataset Network Dataset Data Element object.


The IDENetworkDataset interface should be used to access certain properties of the Network Dataset, such as Hierarchy information. The IDENetworkDataset interface in combination with the INetworkBuild.UpdateSchema method, should also be used for combining schema updates into a single operation, such as adding multiple sources or attributes to a network dataset. This is the same methodology that is used by the network dataset property page in ArcCatalog.

The access the data element for a network dataset, QI to the IDatasetComponent interface and use the DataElement method

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