IDataChangesEx Interface

Provides access to members that return information on data changes.


Name Description
Read-only property ChangedIDs The IDs of rows that changed during the edit session.
Method Extract Get changed rows for a specific class.
Method ExtractEx Get changed rows for a specific class.
Read-only property ModifiedClasses The list of tables with edits.

IDataChangesEx.ChangedIDs Property

The IDs of rows that changed during the edit session.

Public Function get_ChangedIDs ( _
    ByVal ClassName As String, _
    ByVal DiffType As esriDifferenceType _
) As IFIDSet
public IFIDSet get_ChangedIDs (
    string ClassName,
    esriDifferenceType DiffType


This property can be used to populate a set of feature identifiers. This can then be used to get all the rows that have been changed which correspond to a specific difference. By specifying the _DiffType_as an argument one can affect which feature identifiers will be present in the set.

IDataChangesEx.Extract Method

Get changed rows for a specific class.

Public Function Extract ( _
    ByVal ClassName As String, _
    ByVal DiffType As esriDifferenceType _
) As IDifferenceCursor
public IDifferenceCursor Extract (
    string ClassName,
    esriDifferenceType DiffType


The Extractmethod returns a difference cursor corresponding to all rows in a class with a specific esriDifferenceType. IRowobjects returned from a difference cursor are meant to be a read only. If row editing is desired the OID returned from the call to IDifferenceCursor::NextRow should be used in a call to the ITable::GetRow or ITable::GetRows methods.

IDataChangesEx.ExtractEx Method

Get changed rows for a specific class.

Public Function ExtractEx ( _
    ByVal ClassName As String, _
    ByVal DiffType As esriDifferenceType _
) As IDifferenceCursorEx
public IDifferenceCursorEx ExtractEx (
    string ClassName,
    esriDifferenceType DiffType


The ExtractEx method can be used to populate a cursor that can then be leveraged to work through all the differences corresponding to a specific _esriDifferenceType_at the class level.

IDataChangesEx.ModifiedClasses Property

The list of tables with edits.

Public ReadOnly Property ModifiedClasses As IEnumBSTR
public IEnumBSTR ModifiedClasses {get;}


This property returns a string enumeration with a list of all classes that have been modified.

Classes that implement IDataChangesEx

Classes Description


The IDataChangesEx interface can be used by application developers to find out what features have been changed with the scope of an edit session or edit operation. The changes returned from a IDataChangesEx object are only accurate to the time of object creation. This means that any edits made after a reference to the IDataChangesEx object will not be reflected when ChangedIDs, Extract, and ExtractEx members are called. To get the most up to date data changes call ModifiedClasses and then Extract or ExtractEx. It is important to keep in mind this has the effect of flushing the edits made within an edit session, giving the application the most recent view of the dataset.

When required to insert, update or delete objects it is strongly recommended the operation is performed using an edit session and within an edit operation. Although the modification can be performed without explicitly starting and stopping an edit operation, the resulting change will be non-deterministic in respect to which state of the database the operation is associated or even the possibility of encountering an error when the change can not be applied to an open state. For these reasons all edits should be performed within an edit operation. The scope of the data changes can not be guaranteed when the ChangedIDs, Extract, and ExtractEx members are called on an edit session with edits made outside of an edit operation.

IDataChangesEx should not be used with non-versioned edit sessions.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
