IDataElement Interface

Provides access to the Basic Data Element.


Name Description
Read/write property CatalogPath The string used to retrieve the element.
Read/write property Children The list of sub-elements.
Read/write property ChildrenExpanded Indicates if the children have been expanded.
Read/write property FullPropsRetrieved Indicates if full properties have been retrieved.
Method GetBaseName File base name.
Method GetExtension File extension.
Method GetFile File name.
Method GetPath File path.
Read/write property MetadataRetrieved Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved.
Read/write property Name The user assigned name for the element.
Read/write property Type The type of the element.

IDataElement.CatalogPath Property

The string used to retrieve the element.

Public Property CatalogPath As String
public string CatalogPath {get; set;}


The CatalogPath of a data element contains the path to the dataset. If retrieved from GxObject, the data element's catalog path will correspond to the path displayed by ArcCatalog when the dataset is selected in the view pane. If retrieved from the workspace, the catalog path will be built by following this pattern:


The version can be empty if the source is a local geodatabase. The following table shows the dataset types and their respective keywords:

Dataset Type Keyword
Feature dataset FD
Feature class FC
Object class OC
Relationship class RC
Geometric network GN
Topology TOPO
Raster band RB
Raster dataset RD
Raster catalog RCAT
Toolbox TB

The following are sample catalog paths:



IDataElement.Children Property

The list of sub-elements.

Public Property Children As IArray
public IArray Children {get; set;}

IDataElement.ChildrenExpanded Property

Indicates if the children have been expanded.

Public Property ChildrenExpanded As Boolean
public bool ChildrenExpanded {get; set;}

IDataElement.FullPropsRetrieved Property

Indicates if full properties have been retrieved.

Public Property FullPropsRetrieved As Boolean
public bool FullPropsRetrieved {get; set;}

IDataElement.GetBaseName Method

File base name.

Public Function GetBaseName ( _
) As String
public string GetBaseName (

IDataElement.GetExtension Method

File extension.

Public Function GetExtension ( _
) As String
public string GetExtension (

IDataElement.GetFile Method

File name.

Public Function GetFile ( _
) As String
public string GetFile (

IDataElement.GetPath Method

File path.

Public Function GetPath ( _
) As String
public string GetPath (

IDataElement.MetadataRetrieved Property

Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved.

Public Property MetadataRetrieved As Boolean
public bool MetadataRetrieved {get; set;}

IDataElement.Name Property

The user assigned name for the element.

Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get; set;}

IDataElement.Type Property

The type of the element.

Public Property Type As String
public string Type {get; set;}

Classes that implement IDataElement

Classes Description
DENetworkDataset Network Dataset Data Element object.

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