IEdgeConnectivityRule Interface

Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage edge-edge connectivity rules.


IEdgeConnectivityRule interface provides properties for setting up a edge connectivity rule.

When To Use

The IEdgeConnectivityRule is the main interface for creating and getting information about an edge connectivity rule. Use this interface to create a new edge connectivity rule between subtypes in an edge network feature class and subtypes in another edge network feature class. This interface also allows you to specify all of the valid junction subtypes that the edge subtypes can connect through and allows you to set the default junction subtype.


Name Description
Method AddJunction The permissible values for the associated attribute.
Read/write property Category The name associated with the validation rule.
Method ContainsJunction Indicates whether the specified junction class id is in the valid junction list.
Read/write property DefaultJunctionClassID The ID of the default junction feature class.
Read/write property DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode The subtype value of the default junction feature class.
Read/write property FromEdgeClassID The ID of the source NetworkEdge feature class.
Read/write property FromEdgeSubtypeCode The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class.
Method GetJunctionInfo The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.
Read/write property Helpstring The helpstring associated with the validation rule.
Read/write property ID The ID of the validation rule.
Read-only property JunctionClassID The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.
Read-only property JunctionCount The number of valid Junctions.
Read-only property JunctionSubtypeCode The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.
Read/write property ToEdgeClassID The ID of the destination NetworkEdge feature class.
Read/write property ToEdgeSubtypeCode The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class.
Read-only property Type The type associated with the validation rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.AddJunction Method

The permissible values for the associated attribute.

Public Sub AddJunction ( _
    ByVal ClassID As Integer, _
    ByVal SubtypeCode As Integer _
public void AddJunction (
    int ClassID,
    int SubtypeCode


AddJunction function adds an allowable junction for this edge connectivity rule that has the classid and subtypecode specified in the parameters.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.ContainsJunction Method

Indicates whether the specified junction class id is in the valid junction list.

Public Function ContainsJunction ( _
    ByVal ClassID As Integer, _
    ByVal SubtypeCode As Integer _
) As Boolean
public bool ContainsJunction (
    int ClassID,
    int SubtypeCode


ContainsJunction function takes the class id and subtype code of a junction feature as parameters and returns a boolean value of whether or not it is contained in the set of valid junctions for this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.DefaultJunctionClassID Property

The ID of the default junction feature class.

Public Property DefaultJunctionClassID As Integer
public int DefaultJunctionClassID {get; set;}


DefaultJunctionClassIDproperty returns the class id for the default junction that has been set for this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode Property

The subtype value of the default junction feature class.

Public Property DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode As Integer
public int DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode {get; set;}


DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode property returns the subtype code for the default junction type that has been set for this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.FromEdgeClassID Property

The ID of the source NetworkEdge feature class.

Public Property FromEdgeClassID As Integer
public int FromEdgeClassID {get; set;}


FromEdgeClassID property returns the class id for the from edge type of this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.FromEdgeSubtypeCode Property

The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class.

Public Property FromEdgeSubtypeCode As Integer
public int FromEdgeSubtypeCode {get; set;}


FromEdgeSubtypeCode property returns the subtype code for the from edge of this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.GetJunctionInfo Method

The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.

Public Sub GetJunctionInfo ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByRef ClassID As Integer, _
    ByRef SubtypeCode As Integer _
public void GetJunctionInfo (
    int Index,
    ref int ClassID,
    ref int SubtypeCode


GetJunctionInfo function returns the class id and the subtype code for the particular junction that is referenced by the index parameter passed in.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.JunctionClassID Property

The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.

Public Function get_JunctionClassID ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As Integer
public int get_JunctionClassID (
    int Index


JunctionClassID property returns the class id for the junction feature that is associated with this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.JunctionCount Property

The number of valid Junctions.

Public ReadOnly Property JunctionCount As Integer
public int JunctionCount {get;}


JunctionCount returns the junction count.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.JunctionSubtypeCode Property

The specified permissible value for the associated attribute.

Public Function get_JunctionSubtypeCode ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As Integer
public int get_JunctionSubtypeCode (
    int Index


JunctionSubtypeCode property returns the subtype code for the junction feature that is associated with this edge connectivity rule.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.ToEdgeClassID Property

The ID of the destination NetworkEdge feature class.

Public Property ToEdgeClassID As Integer
public int ToEdgeClassID {get; set;}


ToEdgeClassID property returns the class id for the "to edge" that this edge connectivity rule applies to.

IEdgeConnectivityRule.ToEdgeSubtypeCode Property

The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class.

Public Property ToEdgeSubtypeCode As Integer
public int ToEdgeSubtypeCode {get; set;}


ToEdgeSubtypeCode property returns the subtype code for the "to edge" that this edge connectivity rule applies to.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IConnectivityRule Indicator interface that identifies connectivity rules.
IRule Provides access to members that return information about rules.

Classes that implement IEdgeConnectivityRule

Classes Description
EdgeConnectivityRule Esri Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.

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