IErrorFeatureContainer Interface

Provides access to members that return error features.


Name Description
Read-only property ErrorFeature An error feature with that matches the passed in parameters.
Read-only property ErrorFeatures An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.
Read-only property ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.
Read-only property ErrorFeaturesByRuleType An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.

IErrorFeatureContainer.ErrorFeature Property

An error feature with that matches the passed in parameters.

Public Function get_ErrorFeature ( _
    ByVal SpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal errorType As esriTopologyRuleType, _
    ByVal GeometryType As esriGeometryType, _
    ByVal OriginClassID As Integer, _
    ByVal OriginOID As Long, _
    ByVal DestinationClassID As Integer, _
    ByVal DestinationOID As Long _
) As ITopologyErrorFeature
public ITopologyErrorFeature get_ErrorFeature (
    ISpatialReference SpatialReference,
    esriTopologyRuleType errorType,
    esriGeometryType GeometryType,
    int OriginClassID,
    long OriginOID,
    int DestinationClassID,
    long DestinationOID


ErrorFeaturereturns an ITopologyErrorFeature corresponding to the specified parameters. If no error feature exists that matches the parameters, ITopologyErrorFeature is nothing.

ErrorFeature requires the spatial reference of the Topology, this can be obtained from the IGeoDataset interface.

IErrorFeatureContainer.ErrorFeatures Property

An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.

Public Function get_ErrorFeatures ( _
    ByVal SpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal Rule As ITopologyRule, _
    ByVal Extent As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal Errors As Boolean, _
    ByVal Exceptions As Boolean _
) As IEnumTopologyErrorFeature
public IEnumTopologyErrorFeature get_ErrorFeatures (
    ISpatialReference SpatialReference,
    ITopologyRule Rule,
    IEnvelope Extent,
    bool Errors,
    bool Exceptions

Errors Returned

ErrorFeatures will return an error if:

  • False is specified for both Errors and Exceptions
  • nothing is specified for Rule parameter


ErrorFeatures will return an enumeration of error features belonging to the Topology Rule and within the Envelope that is supplied. The enumeration can contain Errors, errors marked as Exceptions or Both. To determine if a TopologyErrorFeature has been marked as an Exception, use the ITopologyErrorFeature::IsException property. If no error feature exists that matches the parameters, an empty enumeration is returned.

ErrorFeatures requires the spatial reference of the Topology, this can be obtained from the IGeoDataset interface.

IErrorFeatureContainer.ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType Property

An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.

Public Function get_ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType ( _
    ByVal SpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal GeometryType As esriGeometryType, _
    ByVal Exceptions As Boolean _
) As IEnumTopologyErrorFeature
public IEnumTopologyErrorFeature get_ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType (
    ISpatialReference SpatialReference,
    esriGeometryType GeometryType,
    bool Exceptions

Errors Returned

FDOE_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FOR_TOPOLOGY - When an unsupported esriGeometryType is specified for the _GeometryType parameter.


ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType returns an enumeration, IEnumTopologyErrorFeatureof error features corresponding to the specified parameters. If no error features corresponding to the specified parameters exist, an empty enumeration is returned.

The GeometryType parameter accepts three supported esriGeometryType:

  • esriGeometryPoint
  • esriGeometryPolyline
  • esriGeometryPolygon

Exceptions indicates whether Exceptions or Errors will be returned. If Exceptions is True, the enumeration will only contain Exceptions, otherwise the enumeration will contain Errors.

ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType requires the spatial reference of the Topology, this can be obtained from the IGeoDataset interface.

IErrorFeatureContainer.ErrorFeaturesByRuleType Property

An enumeration of error features that match the passed in parameters.

Public Function get_ErrorFeaturesByRuleType ( _
    ByVal SpatialReference As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal TopologyRuleType As esriTopologyRuleType, _
    ByVal Extent As IEnvelope, _
    ByVal Errors As Boolean, _
    ByVal Exceptions As Boolean _
) As IEnumTopologyErrorFeature
public IEnumTopologyErrorFeature get_ErrorFeaturesByRuleType (
    ISpatialReference SpatialReference,
    esriTopologyRuleType TopologyRuleType,
    IEnvelope Extent,
    bool Errors,
    bool Exceptions

Errors Returned

ErrorFeaturesByRuleTypewill return an error if:

  • False is specified for Errors and Exceptions
  • an invalid esriTopologyRuleType is specified for TopologyRuleType


ErrorFeaturesByRuleTypewill return an enumeration of error features belonging to the type of topology rule that is supplied. This is different from ErrorFeatures which returns the error features belonging to a particular rule of the Topology. The enumeration can contain Errors, errors marked as Exceptions or Both. To determine if a TopologyErrorFeature has been marked as an Exception, use the ITopologyErrorFeature::IsException property. If no error feature exists that matches the parameters, an empty enumeration is returned.

ErrorFeaturesByRuleType requires the spatial reference of the Topology, this can be obtained from the IGeoDataset interface.

Classes that implement IErrorFeatureContainer

Classes Description


The IErrorFeatureContainer interface contains properties that can be used to return the error features associated with a Topology. Each property on IErrorFeatureContainer requires the spatial reference of the Topology.

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