IFeatureClassEdit Interface

Provides access to information about feature class editing properties.


The IFeatureClassEditinterface is an optional interface for class extensions, used for specifying advanced editing configuration for a feature class or object class.


Name Description
Read-only property CanEditWithProjection Indicates if the associated feature class can be edited in projected spaces.
Read-only property CustomSplitPolicyForRelationship The custom split policy for handling relationships.
Method HasCustomSplitPolicyForRelationship True if the feature class has a custom split policy for handling relationships.

IFeatureClassEdit.CanEditWithProjection Property

Indicates if the associated feature class can be edited in projected spaces.

Public ReadOnly Property CanEditWithProjection As Boolean
public bool CanEditWithProjection {get;}


ArcMap supports the editing of simple features in a different spatial reference than that of the feature dataset. If the associated feature class is of type esriFTSimple, editing of the feature class in different spatial reference can be prevented by implementing the CanEditWithProjectionproperty and returning False.

IFeatureClassEdit.CustomSplitPolicyForRelationship Property

The custom split policy for handling relationships.

Public Function get_CustomSplitPolicyForRelationship ( _
    ByVal Row As IRow, _
    ByVal relClass As IRelationshipClass _
) As esriRelationshipSplitPolicy
public esriRelationshipSplitPolicy get_CustomSplitPolicyForRelationship (
    IRow Row,
    IRelationshipClass relClass


When a Feature with related objects is split, the geodatabase will modify the relationships based on the type (simple or composite) and cardinality of the relationship.

If the default behavior is not appropriate for a class, return Truefor the HasCustomSplitPolicymethod. Through the CustomSplitPolicyForRelationshipproperty, a custom split policy can be specified according to subtype and relationship. The support split policies are defined in the esriRelationshipSplitPolicyenumeration and described below:

esriRSPUseDefault:The default behavior, which is esriRSPPreserveOnLargest for simple relationships and esriRSPDeleteParts for composite relationships.

esriRSPPreserveOnLargest:Preserve related objects and create a relationship with the Feature with the largest part of the split geometry.

esriRSPPreserveOnSmallest:Preserve related objects and create a relationship with the Feature with the smallest part of the split geometry.

esriRSPPreserveOnAll:Preserve related objects and create a relationship with both Features. This option is not valid with relationships with 1..1 cardinality or composite relationships.

esriRSPDeleteRelationship:Delete the relationship.

esriRSPDeleteParts:Delete the related Objects.

IFeatureClassEdit.HasCustomSplitPolicyForRelationship Method

True if the feature class has a custom split policy for handling relationships.

Public Function HasCustomSplitPolicyForRelationship ( _
) As Boolean
public bool HasCustomSplitPolicyForRelationship (


When a feature with related objects is split, the relationships are modified depending on the type (simple or composite) and cardinality of the relationship class. If the default behavior is not appropriate for a class, return Truefor the HasCustomSplitPolicymethod. Through the CustomSplitPolicyForRelationshipproperty, a custom split policy can be specified according to subtype and relationship.

Classes that implement IFeatureClassEdit

Classes Description

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