IGeoDatabaseBridge2 Interface

Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages.


Name Description
Method AddList Adds a list of object id's to the selection set.
Method GetFeatures Get a cursor of Rows given a set of object ids.
Method GetLineOfSight Returns a line-of-site indicator interpolated from the TIN based on an input polyline.
Method QueryElevationBand The polygon based on the specified triangle and input bounds. For pRegion, pass in an array with at least 5 WKSPointZs.
Method QueryPixelBlock Derives slope, aspect, hillshade, or elevation from the input surface and writes the result to the provided PixelBlock.
Method RemoveList Removes a list of object id's from the selection set.

IGeoDatabaseBridge2.AddList Method

Adds a list of object id's to the selection set.

Public Sub AddList ( _
    ByVal SelectionSet As ISelectionSet, _
    ByRef OIDList As Int32[]& _
public void AddList (
    ISelectionSet SelectionSet,
    ref Int32[]& OIDList

IGeoDatabaseBridge2.GetLineOfSight Method

Returns a line-of-site indicator interpolated from the TIN based on an input polyline.

Public Sub GetLineOfSight ( _
    ByVal pSurface As ISurface, _
    ByVal pObserver As IPoint, _
    ByVal pTarget As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppObstruction As IPoint, _
    ByRef ppVisibleLines As IPolyline, _
    ByRef ppInvisibleLines As IPolyline, _
    ByRef pbIsVisible As Boolean, _
    ByVal bApplyCurvature As Boolean, _
    ByVal bApplyRefraction As Boolean, _
    [ByRef pRefractionFactor As Object] _
public void GetLineOfSight (
    ISurface pSurface,
    IPoint pObserver,
    IPoint pTarget,
    ref IPoint ppObstruction,
    ref IPolyline ppVisibleLines,
    ref IPolyline ppInvisibleLines,
    ref bool pbIsVisible,
    ref bool bApplyCurvature,
    ref bool bApplyRefraction,
    ref object pRefractionFactor

IGeoDatabaseBridge2.QueryElevationBand Method

The polygon based on the specified triangle and input bounds. For pRegion, pass in an array with at least 5 WKSPointZs.

Public Sub QueryElevationBand ( _
    ByVal pTinTriangle As ITinTriangle, _
    ByVal zLowerBound As Double, _
    ByVal zUpperBound As Double, _
    ByRef pCount As Integer, _
    ByRef pRegion As WKSPointZ[] _
public void QueryElevationBand (
    ITinTriangle pTinTriangle,
    double zLowerBound,
    double zUpperBound,
    ref int pCount,
    ref WKSPointZ[] pRegion

IGeoDatabaseBridge2.QueryPixelBlock Method

Derives slope, aspect, hillshade, or elevation from the input surface and writes the result to the provided PixelBlock.

Public Sub QueryPixelBlock ( _
    ByVal pSurface As ISurface, _
    ByVal xOrigin As Double, _
    ByVal yOrigin As Double, _
    ByVal xPixelSize As Double, _
    ByVal yPixelSize As Double, _
    ByVal Type As esriRasterizationType, _
    ByVal valueForNoData As Object, _
    ByRef block As Object _
public void QueryPixelBlock (
    ISurface pSurface,
    double xOrigin,
    double yOrigin,
    double xPixelSize,
    double yPixelSize,
    esriRasterizationType Type,
    object valueForNoData,
    ref object block


For .NET developers. See ISurface.QueryPixelBlock for parameter help.

IGeoDatabaseBridge2.RemoveList Method

Removes a list of object id's from the selection set.

Public Sub RemoveList ( _
    ByVal SelectionSet As ISelectionSet, _
    ByRef OIDList As Int32[]& _
public void RemoveList (
    ISelectionSet SelectionSet,
    ref Int32[]& OIDList

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IGeoDatabaseBridge Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages.

Classes that implement IGeoDatabaseBridge2

Classes Description
GeoDatabaseHelper GeoDatabaseHelper object. Providing helper methods for GeoDatabase objects.

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