IGeometryResultOptions Interface

Provides access to methods that control geometry options.


Name Description
Read/write property DensifyGeometries Indicates if MaximumSegmentLength and MaximumDeviation will be honored to densify geometry in the results.
Read/write property GeneralizeGeometries Indicates whether MaximumAllowableOffset will be honored to generalize the geometry in the results.
Read/write property MaximumAllowableOffset The maximum allowable offset.
Read/write property MaximumDeviation The maximum deviation.
Read/write property MaximumSegmentLength The maximum segment length.

IGeometryResultOptions.DensifyGeometries Property

Indicates if MaximumSegmentLength and MaximumDeviation will be honored to densify geometry in the results.

Public Property DensifyGeometries As Boolean
public bool DensifyGeometries {get; set;}


When DensifyGeometries is set to true, MaximumDeviation and MaximumSegmentLength should also be set. For more information please see Densify.

IGeometryResultOptions.GeneralizeGeometries Property

Indicates whether MaximumAllowableOffset will be honored to generalize the geometry in the results.

Public Property GeneralizeGeometries As Boolean
public bool GeneralizeGeometries {get; set;}


When GeneralizeGeometries is set to true, the MaximumAllowableOffset property should also be set. For more information please see Generalize.

IGeometryResultOptions.MaximumAllowableOffset Property

The maximum allowable offset.

Public Property MaximumAllowableOffset As Double
public double MaximumAllowableOffset {get; set;}


Default value for MaximumAllowableOffset is 0. Values for MaximumAllowableOffset must be in the units of the map's spatial reference. For example, if the units of the spatial reference of the feature class being queried is in decimal degrees and the spatial reference units of the map is in meters, the values specified for MaximumAllowableOffset must be in meters.

IGeometryResultOptions.MaximumDeviation Property

The maximum deviation.

Public Property MaximumDeviation As Double
public double MaximumDeviation {get; set;}


Default value for MaximumDeviation is 0. Values for MaximumDeviation must be in the units of the map's spatial reference. For example, if the units of the spatial reference of the feature class being queried is in decimal degrees and the spatial reference units of the map is in meters, the values specified for MaximumDeviation must be in meters.

IGeometryResultOptions.MaximumSegmentLength Property

The maximum segment length.

Public Property MaximumSegmentLength As Double
public double MaximumSegmentLength {get; set;}


Default value for MaximumSegmentLength is -1. Values for MaximumSegmentLength must be in the units of the map's spatial reference. For example, if the units of the spatial reference of the feature class being queried is in decimal degrees and the spatial reference units of the map is in meters, the values specified for MaximumSegmentLength must be in meters.

Classes that implement IGeometryResultOptions

Classes Description
GeometryResultOptions Esri Geometry export options object.


IGeometryResultOptions has properties used to modify output geometry. Modification can include densification (DensifyGeometries) or generalization (GeneralizeGeometries).

Values for MaximumSegmentLength, MaximumDeviation or MaximumAllowableOffset should be in the units of the map's spatial reference unless the returned geometry is asked to be in another spatial reference (in the case of QueryFeatureData or QueryFeatureData2). For example, if the units of the spatial reference of the feature class being queried is in decimal degrees and the spatial reference units of the map is in meters, the values specified for MaximumSegmentLength, MaximumDeviation or MaximumAllowableOffset must be in meters. In case IQueryFilter.OutputSpatialReference is set to a spatial reference unit in feet, then those values should be in feet.

When GeneralizeGeometries is set to true, the MaximumAllowableOffset property should also be set. When DensifyGeometries is set to true, MaximumDeviation and MaximumSegmentLength should also be set. For more information please see Densify and Generalize .

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