IIndexEdit Interface

Provides access to members that modify the index.


Name Description
Write-only property Fields The fields collection for this index.
Read-only property Fields The fields collection for this index.
Write-only property IsAscending Indicates if the index is to be ascending.
Read-only property IsAscending Indicates if the index is based on ascending order.
Write-only property IsUnique Indicates if the index is to be unique.
Read-only property IsUnique Indicates if the index is unique.
Write-only property Name The name of the index.
Read-only property Name The name of the index.

IIndexEdit.Fields Property

The fields collection for this index.

Public WriteOnly Property Fields_2
public void Fields_2 {set;}

IIndexEdit.Fields Property

The fields collection for this index.

Public WriteOnly Property Fields_2
public void Fields_2 {set;}

IIndexEdit.IsAscending Property

Indicates if the index is to be ascending.

Public WriteOnly Property IsAscending_2
public void IsAscending_2 {set;}


Whether you can add an index that is ascending is dependent on the DBMS.

IIndexEdit.IsAscending Property

Indicates if the index is to be ascending.

Public WriteOnly Property IsAscending_2
public void IsAscending_2 {set;}


Whether you can add an index that is ascending is dependent on the DBMS.

IIndexEdit.IsUnique Property

Indicates if the index is to be unique.

Public WriteOnly Property IsUnique_2
public void IsUnique_2 {set;}


Only non-versioned feature classes and tables can have unique indexes.

IIndexEdit.IsUnique Property

Indicates if the index is to be unique.

Public WriteOnly Property IsUnique_2
public void IsUnique_2 {set;}


Only non-versioned feature classes and tables can have unique indexes.

IIndexEdit.Name Property

The name of the index.

Public WriteOnly Property Name_2
public void Name_2 {set;}


ArcGIS imposes a limit on the length of 16 characters on the length of attribute index names. This limit is based on the smallest allowable length within supported databases in order to facilitate distribution and sharing of data between different geodatabases.

Giving a shapefile index a name will apply the name to the index in memory, but the name will not be persisted to disk. On subsequent occasions when the indexes are opened, they will have system-defined names.

IIndexEdit.Name Property

The name of the index.

Public WriteOnly Property Name_2
public void Name_2 {set;}


ArcGIS imposes a limit on the length of 16 characters on the length of attribute index names. This limit is based on the smallest allowable length within supported databases in order to facilitate distribution and sharing of data between different geodatabases.

Giving a shapefile index a name will apply the name to the index in memory, but the name will not be persisted to disk. On subsequent occasions when the indexes are opened, they will have system-defined names.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IIndex Provides access to members that return information about the index.

Classes that implement IIndexEdit

Classes Description
FullTextIndexDefinition Esri FullTextIndex Definition object.
Index Esri Index object.
XMLIndex XML Index Object.


The IIndexEdit interface is used when creating new indexes. You cannot use IIndexEdit to modify an existing index—to do this, delete and re-create it. IIndexEdit operates in a similar way to IFieldEdit.

When changing indexes on a table in a multi-user environment, you should first gain an exclusive schema lock on the table. See the section on ISchemaLock for more details.

When using C# (and other .NET languages) you must append an "_2" to the property you want to set on this interface. For example, indexEdit.Name_2 = "NewIndexName".
When using VB.NET (and other .NET languages) you must append an "_2" to the property you want to set on this interface. For example, indexEdit.Name_2 = "NewIndexName".

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