ILocatorName Interface

Provides access to members that describe a locator.

When To Use

Use the ILocatorName interface to inspect the properties of a LocatorName object.


Name Description
Read/write property Category Category of the locator.
Read/write property Description Description of the locator.
Read/write property LocatorWorkspaceName Name object for the locator workspace that contains the locator.
Read/write property Name Name of the locator.
Read/write property Style Indicates if this is a locator style.

ILocatorName.Category Property

Category of the locator.

Public Property Category As String
public string Category {get; set;}


The Category property returns the category of the locator or locator style represented by the LocatorName object.


By default, address locator styles provided with ArcGIS, and address locators based on those locator styles, have a category of "Address".

ILocatorName.Description Property

Description of the locator.

Public Property Description As String
public string Description {get; set;}


The Description property returns the description of the locator or locator style that the LocatorName object represents.

ILocatorName.LocatorWorkspaceName Property

Name object for the locator workspace that contains the locator.

Public Property LocatorWorkspaceName As ILocatorWorkspaceName
public ILocatorWorkspaceName LocatorWorkspaceName {get; set;}


The LocatorWorkspaceName property returns the LocatorWorkspaceName object that represents the locator workspace that contains the locator or locator style represented by the LocatorName object.

ILocatorName.Name Property

Name of the locator.

Public Property Name As String
public string Name {get; set;}


The Name property returns the name of the locator or locator style that the LocatorName object represents.

ILocatorName.Style Property

Indicates if this is a locator style.

Public Property Style As Boolean
public bool Style {get; set;}


The Style property indicates if the LocatorName object represents a locator style.

Classes that implement ILocatorName

Classes Description

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