INetworkDataset Interface

Provides access to members that query the schema of the network dataset.


Name Description
Read-only property Attribute Network dataset attribute by index.
Read-only property AttributeByID Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified ID.
Read-only property AttributeByName Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified name.
Read-only property AttributeCount Number of attributes in the network dataset.
Read-only property Buildable Indicates if this network dataset is buildable.
Read-only property DirtyArea The dirty area polygon of the network dataset.
Read-only property NetworkType The type of the network dataset.
Read-only property Source Network dataset source by index.
Read-only property SourceByID Network dataset source corresponding to the specified ID.
Read-only property SourceByName Network dataset source corresponding to the specified name.
Read-only property SourceCount Number of sources in the network dataset.
Read-only property State Indicates whether the network dataset is built or not.
Read-only property SupportsTurns Indicates if this network dataset supports network turn elements.

INetworkDataset.Attribute Property

Network dataset attribute by index.

Public Function get_Attribute ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As INetworkAttribute
public INetworkAttribute get_Attribute (
    int Index


Returns the attribute at the specified index. The indexes go from 0 to AttributeCount -1.

INetworkDataset.AttributeByID Property

Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified ID.

Public Function get_AttributeByID ( _
    ByVal ID As Integer _
) As INetworkAttribute
public INetworkAttribute get_AttributeByID (
    int ID

INetworkDataset.AttributeByName Property

Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified name.

Public Function get_AttributeByName ( _
    ByVal Name As String _
) As INetworkAttribute
public INetworkAttribute get_AttributeByName (
    string Name


The AttributeByName property will return a reference to the attribute with the specified name. Attribute names are not case sensitive.

INetworkDataset.AttributeCount Property

Number of attributes in the network dataset.

Public ReadOnly Property AttributeCount As Integer
public int AttributeCount {get;}


Returns the number of attributes assigned to the network dataset.

INetworkDataset.Buildable Property

Indicates if this network dataset is buildable.

Public ReadOnly Property Buildable As Boolean
public bool Buildable {get;}


Returns a boolean value indicating if the network dataset can be built using the INetworkBuild:BuildNetwork method. This method will return true for Geodatabase and Shapefile network datasets. Use the INetworkDataset:NetworkType property to determine the type of network dataset.

INetworkDataset.DirtyArea Property

The dirty area polygon of the network dataset.

Public Function get_DirtyArea ( _
    ByVal Location As IPolygon _
) As IPolygon
public IPolygon get_DirtyArea (
    IPolygon Location

INetworkDataset.NetworkType Property

The type of the network dataset.

Public ReadOnly Property NetworkType As esriNetworkDatasetType
public esriNetworkDatasetType NetworkType {get;}


Returns the type of network dataset; geodatabase, shapefile, SDC or unknown. Use this property to handle properties that differ based on the type of network dataset.

SDC networks are no longer supported so you should never see that value.

INetworkDataset.Source Property

Network dataset source by index.

Public Function get_Source ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As INetworkSource
public INetworkSource get_Source (
    int Index


Returns the source at the specified index. The indexes go from 0 to SourceCount -1.

INetworkDataset.SourceByID Property

Network dataset source corresponding to the specified ID.

Public Function get_SourceByID ( _
    ByVal ID As Integer _
) As INetworkSource
public INetworkSource get_SourceByID (
    int ID


Returns the source with the specified ID. The ID is not equal to the index. Rather it is the internal ID of the source as stored in the metadata tables. It can be retrieved from the INetworkSource::ID property.

INetworkDataset.SourceByName Property

Network dataset source corresponding to the specified name.

Public Function get_SourceByName ( _
    ByVal Name As String _
) As INetworkSource
public INetworkSource get_SourceByName (
    string Name


The SourceByName property will return a reference to the source with the specified name. Source names are not case sensitive. For ArcSDE Geodatabases, both the fully qualified name and unqualified name can be used to return topologies.

INetworkDataset.SourceCount Property

Number of sources in the network dataset.

Public ReadOnly Property SourceCount As Integer
public int SourceCount {get;}


Returns the number of sources in the network dataset.

INetworkDataset.State Property

Indicates whether the network dataset is built or not.

Public ReadOnly Property State As esriNetworkDatasetState
public esriNetworkDatasetState State {get;}


The State property indicates the current status of the network dataset; whether the network dataset is unbuilt, built or empty. Network analysis may be performed on unbuilt network datasets, but the results cannot be guaranteed to be correct and will depend on the edits that have been made.

INetworkDataset.SupportsTurns Property

Indicates if this network dataset supports network turn elements.

Public ReadOnly Property SupportsTurns As Boolean
public bool SupportsTurns {get;}


Returns a boolean value indicating if the network dataset supports turns. For shapefile and geodatabase networks, this property is set on the IDENetworkDataset interface of the data element.

Once a network dataset is created, turn support cannot be added. This can only be specified when the network is created.

Classes that implement INetworkDataset

Classes Description


A NetworkDataset is a collection of feature classes that participate in a network relationship. Each feature class has a topological role in the network and a network may have multiple feature classes in the same role. A feature dataset may have multiple networks but a feature class can only belong to one network, either a network dataset or geometric network. A Feature class in the network dataset is called a network source. Network datasets may also have attributes which are used for solving against a network dataset. Network dataset sources can also participate within an ITopology

The IDatasetContainer2 interface should be used for creating and opening network datasets. The INetworkBuild interface should be used for adding or removing sources or attributes from a network dataset and for building a network dataset.

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